Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1015: So sensitive

Ji Shiting paused and looked at her sideways.

The woman stared at him with wide eyes and an angry blush on her cheeks.

After a little thought, he took her hand and asked Shen Sheng, "What's wrong?"

"Do you have to read the reports now?" she said one by one.

Ji Shiting raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "I just don't like procrastination. I only care about work when you're angry? But I used to work in the car a lot before, and you didn't mind at that time."

Ye Shengge was startled.

Yes, he used to work in the car before, but she didn’t mind at that time, why do you start to mind now?

Because she knew he didn't love himself anymore, she was so sensitive. If he didn't do it anywhere, it seemed to remind her of this fact.

Having figured this out, Ye Shengge was suddenly desperate. She realized that maybe her efforts made no sense at all.

Her courage and enthusiasm need to be nourished. Without a source, her love will gradually wither away. How to feed him back?

She was staring blankly, and Ji Shiting suddenly reached out and hugged her, her voice was low and dumb: "But you are right, these reports are really not pretty.... What are you holding in your hand? The script? ?"

Ye Shengge looked up at him without speaking for a long time.

The man's eyebrows were deep and his black eyes looked at her intently, as if he seemed to have endless patience.

But in those eyes, after all, there was still a little bit of tender and affectionate tenderness.

Her lips moved. Suddenly she lowered her head, and her hoarse "Uh" screamed: "It's a script."

Ji Shiting inserted her hand into her long hair and asked softly, "When will it be filmed?"

"Half a month later, I joined the group, but the film and television city is not very far away. I can still go home often." Ye Shengge whispered, the script in her hand suddenly took off, and she hugged him firmly.

Ji Shiting froze for a moment, his arms tightened involuntarily.

"Song song?"

His heart sank, holding his breath subconsciously, and he almost thought she would ask to leave again in the next second.

However, Ye Shengge didn't blame him. She just sullenly said: "...when I enter the group, you have to take good care of the two children."

"Of course." Ji Shiting responded with a deep voice, "You can rest assured."

"...They are very good. It is enough to accompany them for an hour before going to bed every day." Ye Shengge said softly. "Fortunately, they are twins, and they have a good-hearted playmate. They don't need me so much, otherwise, this I certainly can’t put myself at work in a few years.”

It is probably the safest topic to talk about two children. In the past, she would definitely talk to him about her new drama with great interest, because she knew he would be interested. But now, even if he asks actively, it is not because he is interested, but because he feels that he should care about himself.

Ji Shiting listened quietly, and after a while he spoke in a mute voice: "They were taught well by you."

"Thanks to Grandpa." Ye Shengge suddenly smiled. "Grandpa can teach you well, and of course they can teach them well, so I'm relieved."

Many good habits of the two little guys are indeed cultivated by the old man. Although the old man spoils them, it is not without principles.

"No, I know they are more influenced by you." Ji Shiting Shen Sheng said, "I'm glad they inherited your character qualities."

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