Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1016: You can eat one more

Ye Shengge was stunned and suddenly sobbed.

"Why such a serious..." she said hoarsely, "you're not here, of course they can only learn from me. So you have to teach them in the future."

Ji Shiting rubbed her hair, and her lips twitched slightly: "Okay. But I have too little experience as a dad. If I did something wrong, you must point it out."

"You can rest assured." Ye Shengge snorted. "I will never be polite."

She was eager to pick him up.

The two chatted so casually, and it was not long before they arrived at the old house.

Ye Shengge thought to herself that children were the biggest topic between couples.

But if they only have this one topic to talk about, is it also a bit sad.

The two little guys knew they were coming, and began to look forward to it early, so Ye Shengge just got out of the car and was embraced by Achen, and Qinger embraced Ji Shiting's thigh.



Ye Shengge couldn't help but a smile on her face, she picked up Achen, and next to Ji Shiting, she put her daughter directly around her neck.

"Wow!" Qinger screamed excitedly.

Achen looked at his sister with envy, and then blinked at Ye Shengge.

Ye Shengge squeezed his face in a funny way: "Mom doesn't have that much strength, you will let Dad ride for you."

He stuck his tongue out embarrassedly.

Ji Shiting carried her daughter to the door and put it on the ground, and then came back to pick up her son. When Ye Shengge gave Achen to him, there was a smirk on the corner of his lips.

Ji Shiting glanced at her, probably guessing that she was going to do bad things, so there was a slight warning in her eyes.

Ye Shengge blinked innocently, but after he put Achen on his neck, she took out her cell phone without hesitation, and took this scene down, taking a dozen shots in a row before finishing.

Kashen Kashen's voice was endless, Achen laughed excitedly, and Ji Shiting looked at Ye Shengge with a forbearance, so this scene was recorded by Ye Shengge again.

"Hahaha...Mom, I'm going to print the photo and paste it in the room!" Achen shouted excitedly.

"No problem." Ye Shengge made an OK gesture with a serious face.

Ji Shiting looked at her with a strong smile, and ticked her lips almost unchecked.

Standing at the door, Qing'er clapped excitedly, and the old man also came out, looking at this scene cheerfully.

Ji Shiting walked over, put his son down, and then took out two sugars from his pocket and gave them one each.

"Go play, but don't allow it to be too crazy, and eat after a while." He urged.

The two little guys grabbed the candy, threw their tongues at him, turned and ran away.

"Yes, they like you more and more." The old man nodded in relief.

Ji Shiting smiled slightly.

Ye Shengge put his hands in his jacket pocket curiously: "How many candies do you hold?"

A lot of this catch.

Ye Shengge stared at him.

Ji Shiting calmly said: "You want it too?"

Ye Shengge's face was black.

"...They have a certain number of desserts every day, don't give them candy every time." She couldn't help but say, "You take it easy, what if they eat their teeth badly."

"Relax, I will give them up to two a day." Ji Shiting caught her hand and raced back to her pocket. "If you want, you can eat one more."

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