Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1030: I'm trying to let go of you

Ye Shengge was heavily suppressed by him, and she gasped for a long time without even the strength to blame him. Of course, she had no strength to answer his questions.

Her face was pale, her red lips opened slightly from her gasp, and her black eyes stared at him for a moment, like crying and laughing.

"Sheng Song..." Ji Shiting pressed her forehead, her chest kept rising and falling, her voice was very low and deep, "I know, not because you hate me, but because you love me too much."

So he can't stand his dislove.

"Yes." Ye Shengge took a deep breath and uttered a hoarse sentence, "So, I will go to bed next time, you will understand, right."

Ji Shiting's black eyes stared at her, and after a while he spoke lowly: "I promise I won't disturb you anymore, will that work?"

The tone of the man's tone was a little imperceptible.

Ye Shengge's heart was sour, and he resisted the urge to cry.

"No. Ji Shiting, before I enter the group, we don't have to meet again." She said word by word.

Ji Shiting's pupils enlarged suddenly, and his breathing became abnormally heavy.

"Ye Shengge." With his hands hard, his tall body approached her more and more. "You mean, you want to separate from me?"

"No, it's not apart." She suddenly smiled softly. "I'm trying to let go of you, so that we will all feel better. If I succeed, we can be a harmonious couple."

However, this sentence did not make Ji Shiting feel relaxed or comforted. His cheeks were stretched tightly, and he seemed to reject this practice abnormally, but he could not find any reason to refute it.

Because he knew she was right, he could not selfishly ask her to love him as before. Now her affection for him has become the culprit tormenting her.

However, even if he knew the truth, he still could not bear the result. He dare not imagine that one day he will become an insignificant existence in her life.

Ji Shiting didn't know whether it was possessive or the obsession he left subconsciously.

"Shengge..." He whispered her name, but then he was speechless and could only bite the cheek gang.

Ye Shengge clearly saw resistance and repulsion from his face, and there was even a little helplessness and panic.

Ye Shengge suddenly closed his eyes, as if he didn't want him to shake his decision.

"Can you leave me if you have no opinion?" she said hoarsely and calmly.

"No." The man spit out the word, and his voice seemed a little deeper. "When you go to film, I won't bother you, but for the remaining three days, we should live together."

"It's only three days, what's the difference." Ye Shengge said, holding back the cry in his throat.

"When you go to bed at night, you are very uneasy." The man's throat rolled, "I don't trust you to sleep alone."

"Achen and Qing'er sleep on the same bed, so you can rest assured." Ye Shengge was expressionless.

"You often talk dreams and call my name." Ji Shiting looked at her. "At least at that time, I can hold you. Then you can sleep peacefully."

Ye Shengge froze for a moment, his face suddenly turned red.

"Impossible!" she intuitively denied.

If it was the three years he disappeared, she might still call his name in a dream, but now, it is impossible!

However, Ji Shiting didn't make fun of her, let alone argue, just looked at her silently, as if there was no emotion in her dark eyes, and she seemed to hide too much emotion.

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