Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1031: Her lamp

Ye Shengge was annoyed by his staring, his face flushed more.

"Ji Shi Ting!"

"I need you."

The two were almost in unison, but compared with Ye Sheng's voice that was raised in a hurry, Ji Shiting's voice was very low.

So, Ye Shengge froze for a moment and couldn't help but asked: "What are you talking about?"

The man hugged her waist, and his voice was dumb, saying one by one: "Sheng Ge, a voice in my heart keeps telling me that I can't lose you, otherwise I will regret it."

Ye Shengge's nose was sore, and after a while, he said in a mute voice, "So what."

"I heard you shouting my name in a dream. I'm very happy." He pressed her forehead, and his throat slipped.

No, not just pleasure, but peace of mind. That feeling is like seeing a lighthouse in the vast sea. He knew that as long as she was there, he would always be able to return to normal.

Ye Shengge took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling: "But I am not happy."

Ji Shiting breathed heavily.

Yes, no matter how many reasons there is, there is no way to cover up the fact that he has been asking for it, but his contribution is so stiff and reluctant, she can see the void of his heart at a glance.

"Ji Shiting, I just want to take a breath for a while, wouldn't you even give me this opportunity?" she whispered, crying in her voice.

Ji Shiting's thin lips moved, and after a long time he slowly spoke: "No."

Intellectually he certainly knew what he should do, but he was very worried, if he let go today, wouldn't her lamp ever light up for her again.

Until he met her eyes.

Ye Shengge's eyelashes were trembling, and the eyes that had been washed with tears were clear and clear, and he clearly said: If so, why don't you let go.

Ji Shiting once again felt the pain, subtle and unobtrusive, but made him unable to ignore. He looked at her for a while, and finally relaxed his strength.

"You stay here, I go to the guest room to sleep." The man touched her face, "Ye Shengge, if you don't want to see me, you should drive me away instead of choosing to leave yourself."

Ye Shengge bit her lip and said nothing. Seeing Ji Shiting reach out and hold the doorknob, she let it go and watched the back of the man leaving.

At that moment, she suddenly felt that her strength was evacuated, and there was a voice in her heart shouting not to go, but her throat seemed to be blocked by something, and she finally said nothing.

She stood blankly for a while, and wandered back to the big bed in the bedroom, lying down silently.

Tears fell silently, hitting the pillow.

She thought that separating from him would make her a little easier, but she didn't, why...she seemed more sad.

She slept alone in this room for three years, but she has never been as difficult as it was tonight. When she was suffering, she still kept a trace of hope, but today, she felt that even that trace of hope was wiped out.

She opened her eyes wide to the dark room, not knowing how long it took to sleep.

When I woke up, I had a headache.

She didn't know whether she slept for four hours last night, but it was time to get up normally, so she struggled to get up, went to the two children's room as usual, and called them to get up to wash and have breakfast.

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