Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1037: Jiangshan and Beauty

Qiao Yanze anger: "I know! So this is just hypothesis, suppose you don't understand?"

Ji's population is simple, and T.S is destined to be Ji Shiting, so of course he doesn't need to make such a choice.

It is outrageous that this product does not only have no brothers and sisters, not even the elders who live in the same room. The old man was born in a hardship. When he came to Yangcheng alone to work hard, he had disconnected from his family when he made a fortune. There is nothing to do. Not to mention the rich people, even ordinary people have a few relatives, right?

Qiao Yanze couldn't talk.

"Assume..." Ji Shiting slowly exhaled a smoke ring, his expression sinking.

If he were to choose between T.S Group and Shengge, what would he choose?

If it was him in the past, he certainly does not need to hesitate on this issue.

But this decision seems to have no meaning until now. After all, even without this choice, his marriage to Shengge is in jeopardy.

Ji Shiting suddenly laughed.

Even so, he couldn't let go.

"I won't make this choice." Ji Shiting's voice was low, "You can always find the best of both worlds."

It is a false proposition to ask the beauty not the river. More often, when Jiangshan is lost, the beauty is also lost. Instead, people of their own background know more about the importance of money and power. It’s okay if you never own it, but if you lose it, then their ending will only be worse than ordinary people.

Although for Qiao Yanze, the ending will not be so exaggerated, but the truth is the same.

When the person in power changes from father to brother, he will never have the freedom he has now. Just like in ancient times, being a prince and being a prince were two treatments.

Qiao Yanze certainly understands this truth.

"...In other words, is there a medicine in Gu Yimo that can make a woman die to you?" he asked coldly.

If Li Yinian is willing to be with him and willing to cooperate with him, then he can completely protect her, and why should he be forced to make such a choice.

Ji Shiting tightened his eyebrows: "Qiao Yanze, have you got water in your head?"

He couldn't understand his brain circuit at all.

Qiao Yanze sneered: "You are drinking cold and cold lungs now, of course, there is no way to understand! I really sympathize with my sister-in-law... deserve your sleep in the office!"

Ji Shiting breathed heavily and hung up in annoyance.

Qiao Yanze didn't call again. He didn't expect much reliable advice.

However, Ji Shiting's heart was unable to calm down for a long time.

He twisted his cigarette butts and stood up, and was going to go to the rest room to wash and sleep, but his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Not knowing what came to mind, the man turned around and strode out of the office.

The movement of pushing the door was so big that he awakened Tang Ranran outside.

After Tang Ranran and Sun Ye went downstairs, they broke back again, but she never made the slightest sound, so Ji Shiting did not expect anyone outside the office area.

His eyebrows twisted: "Aren't you going back?"

Tang Ranran said with a smile: "I have a plan that I haven't finished, so I just stayed and worked overtime. Just, if you have any need, I can always satisfy you."

Need, meet.

If Sun Ye is here, he will definitely feel that the woman has something to say.

Ji Shiting didn't think so much, he just looked at Tang Ranran unpleasantly and coldly: "Do I ask you to stay?"

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