Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1038: Looking at her

Ji Shiting appreciates the subordinates' carefulness and thoughtfulness, but never likes the subordinates to make their own claims.

If he didn't come out just now, is this woman planning to spend the night outside?

Tang Ranran was a little panicked, but she responded quickly and apologized quickly: "I'm sorry President, I shouldn't be advocating. I will go back immediately."

She was very smart, and she realized at once where Ji Shiting's anger was.

Ji Shiting did not overly blame her, but just said indifferently: "The next is not an example."

Tang Ranran's tone was more humble: "I remember.... President, what can you tell me?"

"No." Ji Shiting said, walking towards the elevator while putting on his coat, "Turn off the lights and keep up."

Tang Ranran realized that the president should have changed his mind temporarily and planned to go home.

She quickly turned off the lights in the office area, leaving only the one in the corridor, and then walked towards the elevator. After she entered the elevator, Ji Shiting pressed the door close button.

Tang Ranran stood consciously in the corner, keeping a distance from Ji Shiting, and occasionally looked up at the man next to him.

The man looked at the number of floors in the elevator, his expression was sober, and he had no intention of speaking. Although the big boss is basically such a calm and cold look, but this time, his emotions are obviously lower than ever.

Tang Ranran thought for a while and decided to take this risk.

"President, are you... arguing with your wife?" she said cautiously.

She was greeted by Ji Shiting's dark and sharp eyes: "This is not something you should ask!"

"I'm sorry, I... I heard Sun Zhu mentioned his wife today, so there is this guess..." She looked down in panic, looking very regretful, "My former boss often asked me to help him pick gifts for his wife ...So I thought maybe I could help you...sorry!"

Pick a gift.

This word touched a nerve of Ji Shiting. He came back so long, it seems that he hasn't bought a gift for Shengge.

When Ye Shengge was pregnant before, he would give her a small surprise every day after get off work.

Ji Shiting's tightened eyebrows were loosened, and he faintly said, thanking the assistant for his reminder.

Tang Ranran smiled, it seems that she bet on the right.

Next, the president will definitely ask her to help her wife pick a gift.

However, her expectation fell short. Ji Shiting had no intention at all. When the elevator stopped on the first floor, the man just left a light "go back to rest early" and strode out of the elevator.

Tang Ranran looked at his back in disbelief. She bit her lip hard and almost broke it. She has clearly felt the coldness of this man these days after joining the job. He is looking at the number of times he has counted with one hand, and each time because of his excellent work. And his eyes were never the same as men's eyes on women.

This man is more difficult to overcome than she thought...

When Tang Ranran was thinking about this, Ji Shiting had left the building and got into the car. At this point, the road was deserted. Ji Shiting felt a little hot, he took off his tie, put down the window, and let the night wind blow in.

So he saw Tang Ranran standing by the road, she seemed to be waiting for a taxi.

Ji Shiting's eyebrows twisted and said: "Lao Chen, drive the car over."

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