Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 108: Unmanned

"Why? Shouldn't you live in a room with Master?" Sister Xiu was puzzled.

"Just arrange it first." Ye Shengge said calmly.

It’s enough to get the permit, just to live under the same roof. If you want to live in a room, you have to share the same bed every day, which is too much...

Uncle Jin also disagreed: "Mrs. Young, you and the young master are husband and wife."

"My things are a little messy, I will arrange for the second bedroom first, but it does not mean that I want to sleep in the second bedroom." Ye Shengge smiled guilty.

Sister Xiu immediately smiled: "That's right, then I'll go first!"

He walked into the villa carrying Ye Shengge's suitcase, and shouted in his mouth: "Old Xu, Anzi, come here!"

Soon after, Hula La ran out of several maids in their 30s and 40s, and Xiu Sister whispered something to them, and they all looked over to Ye Shengge.

Everyone is very excited.

Ye Shengge is really curious: "Why are they so happy?"

"They came from the old house, they all know the old man's heart, like Xiu sister, can be regarded as watching the young man grow up, of course, I hope the young man can have a companion." Jin Shu laughed, "So, you can Reassure them to do things."

"Oh." Ye Shengge nodded stunnedly.

As the first giant of Yangcheng, Ji Family is really different from what she imagined. But I have to say that she really likes this atmosphere.

The decoration and layout in the villa were also low-key and warm, so Ye Shengge clearly told Uncle Jin that she had nothing to be dissatisfied with. Uncle Jin just left.

Sister Xiu led her to the second bedroom and said with a smile: "Young lady, I have arranged your things here for you, and, in your cloakroom, I have collected a lot of good things in the past few years. Come over and let me show you."

"Cloakroom?" Ye Shengge froze.

"Yes, there is a lot of equipment cost left by the young master every quarter. I will buy women's clothing and various jewelry. I think that when the young master gets married, the young lady will always be able to use it, so I really see you. "I'm so happy!" Xiu said with a frown. "Don't look at my old age. The clothes I bought are all classics of the brand. You won't be outdated when you wear them."

Ye Shengge was taken to the cloakroom dizzy, and was immediately shocked by the hanger, shoe rack and jewelry rack in the room.

No humanity... only these four words remained in her mind.

"You can rest assured that I will double the installation fee immediately after applying with the younger master. Tell me what you want to buy, or let the younger master give you the credit card directly." Sister Xiu led her in. "The young man is cold and does not like to play. No one is helping him to make so much money, so you must not be weak."

Ye Shengge: "..."

One afternoon, she was taken by Sister Xiu to get a full understanding of Qianfan Villa, and also to know about Ji Shiting. She knows that this man is very busy with work. He spends more than half of the year on a business trip. Returning to Qianfan Villa is basically just a sleep.

Also know that Ji Shiting "never brought women back."

Finally, after visiting the villa and recognizing people, the time has come at night.

"Young Master doesn't come back for dinner." Sister Xiu was helpless, "Mrs. Young, you eat first."

Ye Shengge nodded, and she was almost starving to death.

After dinner, she returned to her room and saw that the contents of the box had been sorted into different categories, and suddenly she was in a trance.

This day... it was like a dream.

So she really went to meet Zhou Gong.


When Ji Shiting came back, it was close to midnight.

He strode into the meteor and took off his coat and handed it to Xiujie: "Young lady is here?"

"Yes, Madam Young has rested."

Ji Shiting hooked the corner of his lip and kept on walking. He quickly reached the second floor and pushed open the door of the master bedroom.

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