Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 109: Newlywed husband

Worried about interrupting her to sleep, Ji Shiting didn't turn on the light.

When he walked to the bed, he found that it was wrong. The bed was neat and tidy. Where is someone?

His face sank, and he turned and walked out of the bedroom, just to see Sister Xiu hurried over.

"Master, I haven't had time to tell you yet, Mrs. Young is resting in the second bedroom..." Sister Xiu said, her voice gradually fading.

Because she found that her master's face was getting darker.

"You arranged it." Ji Shiting's tone was calm, "Or did she ask for it?"

"Yes... the young lady asked for it." Sister Xiu explained, "but the young lady said that she just put her things in the second bedroom and would rest in the master bedroom. It may be because you haven't come back, so... "

"Huh." Ji Shiting's faint interface, "Go and prepare for supper."

"Okay." Sister Xiu immediately turned downstairs.

Ji Shiting walked to the next bed, this time he was not so considerate, reached out and turned on the light, suddenly the room was bright.

But the person on the bed was still sleeping deeply. Her face was half buried in the quilt, her long curly hair was covered with pillows, and she was breathing evenly.

Ji Shiting stood beside the bed, unbuttoned his cufflinks, and his handsome face was calm.

But his dark eyes revealed his emotions.

What is just putting things in the second bedroom...the woman didn't intend to live in a room with him at all.

Ji Shiting smiled coldly, leaned over to buckle her jaw, and then kissed heavily.

The man hurried back, her lips still with the coolness of the night, she struggled instinctively.

The result made Ji Shiting even more angry.

He simply took the woman out of the bed, pressed it against the bed, kissed it fiercely, and even gnawed, and also stuck his tongue into her mouth, hooking her tongue and sucking fiercely-

"Hmm..." Ye Shengge took a pain, and finally woke up completely, but his eyes were still blank, probably dreaming of smashing himself.

Ji Shiting kissed heavily for a while, then released her and smiled coldly.

Ye Shengge was a sensation, with a sharp voice: "You... why are you here?"

"Good question." The man smiled slightly, his eyes chilled. "Think about it, why am I here."

Ye Shengge realized that something was wrong, and subconsciously looked at the surrounding environment-familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiarity is because she sees her usual ornaments and various books, and strangeness is because this is not her apartment.

By the way, here is Qianfan Villa, she and Ji Shiting are married!

Thinking of this, Ye Shengge looked at it subconsciously, touching the man's cold eyes, and her heart sank.

"I'm sorry...I'm so tired today, I didn't even wait for you to have dinner..." She laughed, "Are you hungry, do you want...uh..."

Then she got stuck.

Although this is his newly-wed husband, they are not familiar.

Ji Shiting looked at her organization word coldly while holding her sleeves.

Seeing her stuck, he said coldly: "Why sleep in this room?"

"Uh... this room is very good." Ye Shengge was inexplicably nervous, "Sister Xiu had me put things in your bedroom, but I think you would not be happy..."

He must not be happy?

good, very good.

Ji Shiting raised his lips, and his voice suddenly became gentle: "It looks like you have nothing uncomfortable, then continue to sleep."

After talking, he turned and left.

Ye Shengge stared blankly at his back, not knowing why, and suddenly felt his back a bit chilly.

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