Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1276: Living together

Probably saw the fear from her face, Qin Hongyu couldn't help but hold her hand: "Yinian, this is no big deal, I won't judge you for this... I will only love you more, after all, this is not your fault."

Li Yinian waited for a while to find her voice, and she smiled hoarsely: "Don't you feel... sick?"

"No." Qin Hongyu's voice was cautiously gentle. "How could it be... love itself is nothing wrong. Besides, you have not hurt anyone... I hope you can let yourself go, let go of this past, don't Use it to punish yourself."

Li Yinian's eyes twitched, and he couldn't help looking up at him.

It doesn't seem to be her illusion. The man's eyes are distressed and pitiful, but there is no slight disgust or any negative emotions.

Li Yinian felt that his eyes were hot. Shengge said that she had a good vision of people. It seemed that she was right.

Perhaps it is because she has been alone for too long and has been tortured for too long, so this man’s understanding and appeasement are precious to her. For a moment, she wished she could fall in love with him.

"Yinian, if you intend to refuse me for this reason, then you now know my attitude." Qin Hongyu's voice became more and more cautious. "Will you continue to give me a chance?"

"It's not fair to you." She said in a mute voice. "I still... it's hard to fall in love with you."

"There is no fairness or injustice in feelings, only willingness and inaction." Qin Hongyu said softly, "The only thing you don't need to worry about is my mood."

Li Yinian was stunned, took the initiative to hold his hand for the first time, and then gently pressed it on his face.

This action made Qin Hongyu almost ecstatic. He restrained the ecstasy in his heart and carefully took Li Yinian in his arms. The movement was very light, as if afraid of hurting her.


Two days later, Qiao Yanze underwent a CT of the brain, and after confirming that there was no intracranial hemorrhage, he was finally discharged.

At this time, a big drama of his "life and death" was successfully concluded, and he also got a report from Qin Cheng. This report faithfully recorded the actions of all directors in these days, enough for him to see a lot. Something directly affects his next deployment.

"Other than that, what else do I need to know?" Qiao Yanze closed the report, his tone a little colder.

Qin Cheng thought about it: "Uh...Miss Li..."

"What's wrong with her?" Qiao Yanze's tone immediately became severe.

He knew that Li Yinian returned to Vienna two days ago. Thinking that Qiao Fengnian already knew the existence of Li Yinian... Is it that Qiao Fengnian worried that he would not marry Yun Shi, so he started to deal with Yi Nian?

In the cold eyes of his boss, Qin Cheng stuttered a little: ", Miss Li is okay for now, but... she seems to have lived with the doctor Qin recently..."

The term cohabitation darkened Qiao Yanze's eyes.

"Really?" His tone was strangely calm.

"Cough... not only that, but it seems that Miss Li... also allowed the doctor Qin to send her to school, and the two could be regarded as... double entry."

After saying this, Qin Cheng was too scared to look at the boss's face again.

But to his surprise, Qiao Yanze was not irritated. Not only that, he seemed to smile gently.

It's just that the smile is extremely cold.

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