Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1277: He hates me the most

Although there was nothing serious, Qiao Yanze still took this opportunity to recuperate at home. In addition to handling mail, he received waves of visitors.

In addition to the company's board of directors and partners, visitors also have his brother and sister. Qiao Yanxun and Qiao Yanni just tried a few words, at least to ensure that the surface is friendly, but when Qiao Yansen came, his face was extremely ugly.

It seems that Qiao Fengnian taught him at least one meal.

Qiao Yanze hadn't recovered yet, and he was too lazy to get up to welcome the guests. He lay on the sofa and ate fruit, which seemed quite comfortable.

This scene made Qiao Yansen's face even more irony.

"Yunshi Group's young lady didn't like men at all." He suddenly sneered. "Although she barely dated you, in fact it is impossible to marry you. She was seriously injured this time, she didn't show up at all?" "

Qiao Yanze smiled: "The second brother's news is quite informed. Yes, Miss Yun does not like men, but this does not mean that she will not marry me. After all, a broad-minded husband who is right in the house is not easy to find. She can’t come out publicly with this identity, and I can provide her with the best cover and will not force her to do anything. To be honest, if she likes men, she will not necessarily promise to marry me."

Qiao Yansen looked choked.

"I really underestimated you." He sneered. "You can trade anything for that seat."

"Compared to your second brother, it's still a little bit worse. After all, I'm afraid I can't ignore the brotherhood, and I can't completely throw away my conscience and bottom line." Qiao Yanze played with the peach in his hand, still smiling on his face, "Also …Perhaps you have realized that since you tried to murder me, you were completely disqualified from your father. That seat may not be mine, but it certainly will not be yours.”

As soon as this remark came out, Qiao Yansen stood up suddenly, a posture that he couldn't wait to step forward with him desperately, and Qin Cheng quickly stood in front of Qiao Yanze.

Fortunately, Qiao Yansen still retained a little reason, and did not really deal with him.

He gave Qiao Yanze a deep look: "Let's go and see!"

After that, he turned and walked away.

Qiao Yanze looked at his back, but chuckled and said, "Who is the one who encouraged you to do it to me? The second brother also lost my luck. If I really died in that car accident, then it was the culprit. You certainly don’t get any better. Big Brother and Sister just lost two competitors at once, and they must be happy and broken. Maybe you should think about who you’ve used as a gun?"

Qiao Yansen's back shook, he didn't look back, but Qiao Yanze could still see his anger.

"Don't try to provoke divorce!" He dropped this sentence and strode out.

Qiao Yanze snorted, picked up a saint fruit and sent it to the entrance.

Qin Cheng's eyes lit up: "Four young, this is high! The second young is impulsive and irritable, but the third young lady is deep-hearted, I am afraid that the second young lady is the one who urged the second young! The alliance between the two of them will be broken! "

Qiao Yanze snorted softly: "Then you too underestimate my elder brother, he doesn't seem to move, actually he hates me most probably. No, it should be said that elder brother hates each of us, after all He is the eldest son, and for a long time he thought that the seat of President Feng Qiao must be his."

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