Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1284: Very good, I will go with you

She grabbed his wrist fiercely, with tears of weakness and helplessness in her eyes.

Qiao Yanze's black eyes stared at her. There was no expression on her handsome face. Only the desire in her eyes was burning, mixed with the almost desperate madness, and burned all his reason.

"Qiao Yanze..." She called his name angrily, tears dripping from the corners of her eyes.

The woman’s crystal tears shrank his pupils to the extreme.

His breathing was heavy, and his body was hot too, as if at this step, every step was extremely difficult, but the man still had no hesitation and concessions. He clenched her wrists with a backhand, and resolved all her struggles with great firmness. She even leaned over gently and kissed all the tears in the corner of her eyes gently.

The tender touch moved in the corner of her eyes, Li Yinian suddenly closed her eyes, but she couldn't ignore the strange current.

The instinctive reaction deepened the shame in her heart. She couldn't help struggling again, more fierce than any other time. Qiao Yanze was pushed by her to the coffee table behind her.

The pain made him groan uncontrollably.

Li Yinian didn't care if he was injured. She stood up and tried to escape. However, she just ran out a few steps and was caught by the man from behind.

This time Qiao Yanze threw her directly on the bed, not waiting for her to react, he bullied him and pressed her heavily under him.

When his wrist was tightened by a man, Li Yinian was finally desperate.

"If you really strengthened me today, you will be able to see my body tomorrow!" She gasped and spit out this sentence fiercely.

Even when she heard her near-threatening declaration, his face had not changed, only the eyes were burning more vigorously.

"Very good, I will go with you." He spit out this sentence calmly and hoarsely, "You can try."

"Qiao Yanze, you are really crazy!"

"Yes." The man smiled, and the smile was almost gentle. "Probably from the day you left me, I was crazy. No... strictly speaking, it should be from the day I fell in love with you."

The man's low, slow voice was so deep that it was heavy enough to drag her step by step into the abyss.

"I hate you."

She opened her eyes wide, her voice low and weak, and almost uttered these three words in vain.

"I don't mind." His voice grew softer. "Anyway, you still refuse to admit that you still love me, so it's good to continue to hate me."

Li Yinian shivered fiercely, she closed her eyes, but the tears were flowing more and more.

She knew she might not be able to escape today. Whenever she thought they could end completely, his obsession would let her know how naive she was.

Li Yinian suddenly felt that all his strength seemed to be exhausted. The tiredness and powerlessness spread from the bottom of his heart to his limbs, but he also brought a sense of detachment. She thought that she probably accepted her destiny. If she lost to destiny once, then at this moment, she completely lost to this man.

She felt the man buckle her two wrists, free one hand to take off her clothes, her movements were not slow, and even gave people an illusion of piety.

It seemed as if I had lived a world for a long time, as if it was just a short moment, and my body suddenly became heavy.

She clenched her lips tightly, but still couldn't control her cramps, but even this did not stop the man.

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