This affair was a torment for Li Yinian, and it was by no means an enjoyment for Qiao Yanze. The woman's body is extremely stiff. Although she no longer struggles, every cell of hers is resisting his closeness.

She bit her lip tightly, except for the groan that overflowed from her throat when she couldn't bear it anymore, she never made any sound, her eyes were closed, but her eyelashes were trembling, and her dark eyebrows were lined up. The pale face was even bloodless, as if her vitality was passing by.

Qiao Yanze took a deep breath and leaned over to kiss her. She shuddered and did not refuse, but her lips did not have the slightest temperature.

The cold touch made the man stunned.

He stared at her momentarily, seeming to have a glimpse of every micro-expression on her face, and the familiar, forgiving expression made his pupils shrink.

Qiao Yanze seemed unwilling to give up, and pressed her fiercely, but saw her tight eyebrows and increasingly broken and pained expression.

Suddenly he closed his eyes and stuck to her face. The cold temperature seemed to extinguish the crazy flame he felt a little bit.

When his body suddenly lightened, Li Yinian grunted and opened his eyes tremblingly.

Surprised and incredible on her face.

Qiao Yanze was still lying on her body, eyes closed slightly, trying to calm his breath.

Perhaps he felt the woman's gaze. He opened his eyes and confronted her with this.

The man snapped the corners of his lips, but there was no smile in his eyes, and there was an indescribable gloom and sadness.

He reached out and tried to touch her face, but Li Yinian hid back in shock.

This action completely quenched the smile in Qiao Yanze's mouth.

"Sorry." He said hoarsely.

These three words seemed to make Li Yinian's emotions that had been suppressed for a long time completely burst out. Her eyes were red quickly. Her anger made her tremble. The next second, she suddenly waved her right hand and condensed the remaining strength. Fell **** the man's face.

Qiao Yanze actually saw her movements long ago, but he didn't hide. The slap he received was strong and his left face turned red at a rate visible to the naked eye.

the fourth time.

Qiao Yanze laughed silently. It seems that she is real and really hates his touch.

"Go away." Li Yinian spit out the word hoarsely. She stepped back, trying to completely get rid of his arms, but her voice was broken by anger and shame. "You go."

Qiao Yanze didn't move.

"No, this is your room..." She laughed at herself as if she had just remembered something. "I get off."

After saying this, she completely withdrew from his arms and turned to get out of bed, but the moment her feet stepped on the ground, she couldn't help but squatted on the ground, as if she couldn't even stand up.

Qiao Yanze seemed to finally recover. He grabbed a coat and put it on, then walked over to try to pick her up.

"Don't touch me!" she choked out these three words.

Qiao Yanze breathed deeper. He was silent for a while, and picked up the blanket on the bed to put her on.

Li Yinian hid subconsciously until she saw a blanket falling on her body, and her tight nerves were relaxed. She wrapped herself tightly and leaned against the edge of the bed to accumulate strength.

Until the man came to her and handed her a cup of hot water.

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