Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 129: How to remedy

Ye Shengge froze for a moment, quickly pushed away the makeup artist's hand and stood up, walked over to take a look.

Sure enough, the back of the dress was broken with a big mouth, and it was impossible to wear it at all. This must be artificial, not an accident.

What to do now, she only has this dress.

Ye Shengge pressed her lips together and looked at Shang Tianyi: "Can it be remedy?"

"How to remedy such a big mouth?" Shang Tian couldn't help it. "The dress was brought by me in the morning, and I left when I went out to pick you up. It must have been done by someone in this room!"

With that, Shang Tianyi stared at Mu Xiaoya fiercely: "You did it?"

Mu Xiaoya was not too happy to see Shang Tianyi's broken dress in her hand. She smiled smugly: "What is it about me, do you have evidence?"

Su Han just glanced at them from the mirror, revealing a gloating smile.

The make-up artists are calm, no one dares to speak. After all, in this room, whether Su Han or Mu Xiaoya, the coffee is much larger than Ye Shengge.

Shang Tian gritted his teeth: "If you let me find out..."

"Don't worry about it, how to find another dress now," Ye Shengge said calmly.

"I'll call and ask." Shang Tianyi took out his mobile phone. "You make up first. Rest assured, this thing is on me."

After Shang Tianyi went out, Mu Xiaoya turned around and looked in the direction of Ye Shengge. He smiled with special pretentiousness: "I have several small dresses here. If you ask me, I might lend you."

The little dresses are mostly knee-length or knee-length dresses. Compared with dresses, the aura will be much worse.

Hearing Mu Xiaoya talking about the little dress, Ye Shengge suddenly remembered that there were a few items in the cloakroom where Xiu took her before, so she took out her mobile phone and called Xiu.

Mu Xiaoya was ignored and glared at Ye Shengge angrily: "Just wear your tattered one!"

Ye Shengge ignored her, and said to Xiu Xiu, Xiu Xiu promised to send her over a while.

After more than ten minutes, Shang Tianyi walked in and looked very uncomfortable: "You can only borrow two new brands that are not well-known. Then you can see which one is better."

"It's okay, just wear clothes." Ye Shengge smiled carelessly.

Not wearing a famous brand, or wearing a small dress, will not affect her status as a mistress, so she does not care at all.

Although Shang Tianyi was very reluctant, but the matter was so far, he had no better way, he could only stare at Mu Xiaoya fiercely.

He has determined that Mu Xiaoya did it.

Mu Xiaoya gave him a white glance, took out her phone and brushed it up. She had already put on makeup and waited for the dress.

At this time, another person came in the background.

It is Mu Yanhuai.

Mu Xiaoya didn't expect Mu Yanhuai to come over. He jumped up from his seat and threw himself into his arms with excitement: "Brother, why are you here!"

"Come and see you." Mu Yanhuai smiled. "The dress will arrive soon, you will love it."

With that said, his eyes fell on Ye Shengge's body.

She closed her eyes, and the makeup artist was tracing her eyeliners. She didn't know if it was his illusion. She even showed a pitiful temperament in the mirror.

Mu Yanhuai's unwillingness and paranoia rushed up again. In the past two days, he contacted Zhou Yandong and planned to settle down the cooperation as much as possible, but Zhou Yandong was on a business trip.

In the company, Shang Tianyi left, and Wen Kexin still insisted on canceling the contract, even willing to pay liquidated damages. Several other artists also seem to be restless.

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