Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 130: Here comes the dress

Mu Yanhuai was very anxious. This anxiety reached its peak after seeing Ye Shengge and Shang Tianyi.

Mu Xiaoya was originally very happy, but when she discovered that Mu Yanhuai had been staring at Ye Shengge, the joy was immediately replaced by envy and hatred.

"Brother, let's go talk!" She squeezed out a smile and pulled Mu Yanhuai out of the dressing room.

After the two left, Shang Tianyi rolled his eyes: "Shameless."

Anyway, he has resigned, and he has no good face for Mu Yanhuai, the former boss.

"Ignore them." Ye Shengge placated with closed eyes.

Of course, she heard Mu Yanhuai and Mu Xiaoya's voice, but now, these two can no longer make her emotionally fluctuate.

"Okay." The makeup artist sighed with relief, "Miss Ye, wait for you to wear a dress, and I will make up your lips according to the color of the dress."

"Okay, thank you." Ye Shengge opened her eyes and saw the makeup artist kept the rose she had made before she came, and was very satisfied.


Outside the dressing room, people come and go.

Mu Xiaoya embraced Mu Yanhuai without shy, and said saucyly: "I don't allow you to see Ye Shengge's woman again!"

Mu Yanhuai frowned, and the passing staff would look at them more, which made Mu Yanhuai uncomfortable.

But he knew that if he shook Mu Xiaoya's arm away, she would definitely make trouble.

"All in this circle, always have to meet each other." Mu Yanhuai's voice is a little impatient, "I try to be as good as possible."

"Humph..." Mu Xiaoya heard his displeasure and dared not make trouble again.

"Xiaoya, this is your brother!" Two female artists walked out of the dressing room next to them, and they greeted Mu Xiaoya enthusiastically.

"It's you." Mu Xiaoya's reserved nod, "Yes, this is President Mu."

These two female entertainers are newcomers and they are very stingy towards Mu Xiaoya. Mu Xiaoya was very helpful, and her attitude towards them was pretty good.

"Mr. Mu is good. Ms. Mu, are you and Sister Xiaoya waiting for someone here?" The two female entertainers said happily.

Mu Yanhuai nodded coldly.

"Brother accompanied me here to wait for the dress." Mu Xiaoya smiled, "I don't like the dress that I sponsored today. My brother gave me another high order and it was sent immediately."

"Wow!" The two entertainers exclaimed enviously.

At this time, an extended Lincoln car drove to the background and stopped in front of several people.

One of the female entertainers suddenly exclaimed: "It's Valentino! God, sister Xiaoya, you can wear the Valentino's Gaoding, so envious!"

Mu Xiaoya was stunned. After she saw the sign on the car, she was immediately excited.

Really Valentino! Luxury goods, luxury goods, the first line! The Gaoding of their family is the cheapest and it should be several million larger. It has always sponsored only the top international movie stars. Chinese stars rarely receive the sponsorship of Valentino. Most of them want to buy it!

Mu Yanhuai even got her Valentino's dress for her!

"Brother, I like this surprise so much!" Mu Xiaoya took his arm and held back the excitement.

The two blonde middle-aged men got out of the car, smiled at them, and bowed slightly with one hand on their chest before walking to the back seat to get a dress.

The passing staff saw the logo of Valentino and rushed to tell each other. Soon, the artists in the dressing room ran out after hearing the news.

After learning that the director of Valentino personally came to send Mu Xiaoya a high-definition dress, many eyes of envy and jealousy fell upon her.

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