Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 137: Master is back

Ye Shengge knew nothing about it.

After the event, she was tired and almost collapsed to the ground.

The night before yesterday, she was tossed by Ji Shiting, but she hasn't fully recovered. Today, she was busy for another day, so tired that she didn't even change her clothes. She got on Shang Tianyi's car directly and asked Shang Tianyi to send her back.

The assistant was driving, and Shang Tianyi kept swiping his phone.

"What are you doing?" Ye Shengge asked strangely.

"I just cut a few small videos from the live broadcast." Shang Tianyi proudly said, "I contacted several Weibo big V and entertainment large, they will send out these few small videos, and also you wear Valentino Your beautiful HD picture, baby, you can rest assured that this time I must let you climb up on Mu Xiaoya!"

Ye Shengge saw him so excited, he smiled: "You can do it."

"However, Xu Dao is really awesome." Shang Tianyi muttered, "If it wasn't the few questions he asked you later, I'm afraid the public opinion would still say you bullied Mu Xiaoya."

Ye Shengge was surprised, she also realized that Xu Xiangjie's two problems were unusual.

She felt that she should guess the reason, but after a while and a half she could not figure it out, plus she was so tired today, she put this matter down temporarily.

Now that the work is over, she should find a way to ease the deadlock between her and Ji Shiting.

Maybe this dress will be an opportunity?

She sighed and looked out the window. After a while, she suddenly said: "Stop."

Shang Tianyi was shocked: "What's wrong?"

"I'm here." Ye Shengge opened the door and smiled at him. "Tomorrow you will take me into the group."

Shang Tianyi nodded stunnedly, watching her walk towards the fence not far away.

He remembered that the woman lived in Ming Mansion, when she moved in. And... what kind of neighborhood is this?


Qianfan Villa.

When Ye Shengge returned, he was immediately overwhelmed by the maid's exaggerated praise.

"Young lady, you are so beautiful!" Sister Xiu smiled, "Tired, right? By the way, dinner is ready, please come and eat."

"Yeah." Ye Shengge smiled embarrassedly and went to the restaurant for dinner.

She was still wearing that skirt. Although the skirt was broken, it did not affect its overall beauty.

Sister Xiu revolved around her, and before she asked, she took the initiative to explain: "Young lady, after you called me, I immediately told the young master this matter, and the young master said he would handle it. This Valentino It’s impossible to buy without Master’s contacts. I said, Master hurts you!”

Ye Shengge was stunned for a while.

She lowered her eyes, pounded the food in the bowl with a spoon, and suddenly realized something.

Since this time, no matter what she encountered, it seems that Ji Shiting solved it for her, even though he was not happy.

If it weren't for him, she couldn't get the heroine of "Xue Ning Zhuan".

If it were not for him, she would not be able to break up with Mu Yanhuai smoothly and get the money that belonged to her.

She always feels that this man dislikes her, but... if he really dislikes her, how can he help her again and again?

Are those coincidences really coincidences? Did she always ignore something?

Just when she was in a daze, Xiu sister suddenly said excitedly: "Master is back!"

Ye Shengge looked back, then dropped the cutlery violently and ran to the gate with the skirt.

As a result, Ji Shiting just walked in.

The tip of the nose smelled the familiar cold breath, and Ye Shengge suddenly had the urge to cry.

——Shengge is about to start being coquettish, do you think Ji Shiting will be soft-hearted? Vote if you can!

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