Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 138: What kind of passion do you want

Ji Shi Ting Leng Bu was hit by her full of arms, subconsciously reached out to hug her.

"Her husband, you are back." Ye Shengge buried his head in his chest, so the voice was low and muffled, with a touch of intimacy and tenderness that she didn't even notice.

She did not expect that at the moment she hugged him, the word "husband" was easily spoken. Perhaps unconsciously, her dependence on this man was far deeper than she thought .

The woman's soft body embraces Ji Shiting's breath unconsciously.

But the next second, his eyes sank.

"Release." He said faintly, his unperturbed voice not irritated.

Ye Shengge's heart was empty, and she unconsciously wanted to let go of him, but soon she changed her mind and tightened him up even more: "Don't."

Don't know where the courage came from.

"Don't rub it." Ji Shiting's voice was cold and somewhat ironic, "The powder on your face rubbed onto my clothes."

Ye Shengge's face was hot, and finally he was embarrassed to rely on him and let go slowly.

"Are you hungry?" She was not discouraged and gave him a big smile. "I'm eating, would you like to be together?"

Ji Shiting looked at her delicate face with makeup-with this big smile, it seemed a bit silly.

"No." Still unmoved, he took off his suit jacket and walked upstairs.

Ye Shengge drummed his cheek gang and suddenly rushed in front of him, blocking his way.

"Ji Shi Ting!" Her voice rose uncontrollably.

The man stopped and looked at her faintly: "Is there anything else?"

"You..." Ye Shengge bit her lip, "Sister Xiu said, you made me send this dress, do you think it looks good?"

Ji Shiting turned his gaze to her dress just now, and took a casual look at it, and perfunctoryly "hmm".

Ye Shengge was struck by his attitude, and the sourness in his heart surged again.

"Are you still mad at me?" Her voice was aggrieved. "You all have people send me dresses..."

"After all, you are my wife, and I have an obligation to protect you." The man's tone was cold, "but that's all."

" a husband, are you obliged to be more enthusiastic about your wife?" Ye Shengge said dissatisfied.

Ji Shiting's unwavering face finally added a little expression.

His eyes showed a bit of a cool sarcasm, a smile like a smile: "What kind of enthusiasm do you want?"

Ye Shengge was stuck in his heart, knowing that he had misunderstood again.

"Not that kind of passion." She bit her lip. "At least... can you have a meal with me?"

Ji Shiting's dull eyes fell on her, with a little exploration.

After a while, he looked away and his voice was as indifferent as ever: "I've eaten it already, you are free."

Having said that, he bypassed her and continued to walk upstairs.

Ye Shengge's constant blink of an eye can barely restrain the tears that suddenly burst into his eyes.

She watched the man's alienated and indifferent back, and she simply gritted her teeth and rushed to the ground.

"Boom", Ye Shengge fell firmly on the ground, and she took a breath in pain.

"It hurts!" She was lying on the ground, looking at Ji Shiting's back pitifully.

Ji Shiting turned around subconsciously when he heard the voice.

Seeing her fall to the ground, the man's pupil contracted fiercely.

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