Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 148: Lord Jin

She was a little proud in her heart, and she realized that this man just looked cold, but in fact it was easy to be soft-hearted. As long as she is not so blatantly challenging his IQ, there are some tricks he will not care about.

So that evening, she pretended to fall to make it work. So knowing she was pretending to be pitiful, he would still take her into his arms.

After all, he still cares about her.

Thinking of this, Ye Shengge felt warm from the bottom of her heart to every corner of her body. This discovery made her inexplicably excited.

Excited, she couldn't sleep any more.

Perhaps feeling her pride and excitement, Ji Shiting suddenly sneered.

He tightened his arms and brought her closer, his voice murmured dumbly: "Is this warmer?"

Ye Shengge's body suddenly stiffened.

Because... she felt a certain existence.

"You..." She shuddered in the darkness.

Ji Shiting's hoarse hum, accurately found her ear, held it in one bite, licked it gently, and occasionally nibbled.

Ye Shengge took a breath, and a familiar electric current immediately rushed to all over her, and she couldn't help but swallowed.

Is he finally unable to bear it?

However, Ji Shiting didn't move much. He bit her enough earlobe, and he bit her cheek and neck again, anyway, it was convenient to bite. It didn't take long for Ye Shengge to tremble and breathe quickly.

"Enough warm enough, eh?" He chuckled huskyly.

...Enough, enough!

Ye Shengge's tearful "huh" screamed, trying to get out of his arms, but the man hugged her and refused to let go.

"Then sleep well." He ordered, his voice hoarse, but still no further action.

Ye Shengge is very depressed, very depressed.

Is this man fighting her? Too careful!

She closed her eyes in abdomen, stiffened her body motionless, her breathing was disturbed, and Ji Shiting was the same. In such an ambiguous and dangerous atmosphere, she even... fell asleep.

But in a daze, she felt that the man next to her let go of her, and after a while, came back with a cool air.

Ye Shengge embraced him subconsciously, and rubbed on his arm, and said vaguely in his mouth: "...warm you."

Ji Shiting just finished taking a cold shower: "..."

He vaguely felt that he might have made a wrong decision.


The next day, Ye Shengge was woken up by the mobile phone ringtone.

She stumbled out of the phone under the pillow and vaguely hello.

"Sister, hey! What's the matter with you?" Shang Tian was desperately ruined. "You asked for leave on the first day of filming today. The woman in Mu Xiaoya had reason to black you! Yesterday, through the boot-up ceremony, you were easily accounted for in public opinion. In the upper hand, you will fall off the chain today!"

Ye Shengge blinked, and then came awake.

"I was also forced to helpless." She sighed faintly.

Shang Tianyi asked keenly: "Is the gold master behind you asking?"

Investor? It seems correct to say so.

So Ye Shengge yelled.

"Oh, I understand." Shang Tianyi's tone suddenly became ambiguous, "serving the gold master is very hard, baby, you cheer! After serving the gold master, you won't worry about filming! "

Hearing this, Ye Shengge was even more depressed.

She wanted to serve, but Lord Jin was unmoved at all.

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