Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 149: It turns out that you are the master behind the scenes

Ye Shengge rolled the quilt and turned over. Sure enough, the bed beside him was empty.

She looked at the time again, and it was already ten o'clock.

She climbed up from the bed, washed and changed clothes quickly, and went out. After breakfast, with the help of Sister Xiu, she moved her belongings to the master bedroom and used it as her study room after the second bedroom.

The monotonous empty master bedroom immediately became more popular and warm at home. She walked to Duobao Pavilion and placed a picture of herself as a child next to Ji Shiting's family portrait.

It looks quite like that.

She admired for a while and couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed.

In fact, if she is lucky enough, she might be able to live with Ji Shiting forever. Despite the lack of emotional foundation between them, the proud and indifferent character of Ji Shiting is hard to imagine that he will suddenly fall in love with a woman and then sweep her out of the house.

In this way, maybe they can still have a baby together...

This imagination made Ye Shengge's cheeks feel a little warm. She patted her face hard and drove the picture out.

"Sister Xiu, I'm hungry." Ye Shengge coughed, "Let's go out."

Xiu Jie, who was packing her bed, laughed: "Okay, Mrs. Young."


After lunch, Ye Shengge called Shang Tianyi and asked him to meet at a nearby tea house.

Half an hour later, the two met in the box.

"Your gold master is willing to let go of people?" Shang Tianyi dresses up very sullenly, his eyes more sullenly. "No wonder I think you are getting more and more feminine, baby."

Ye Shengge was called goose bumps by his baby.

"Don't worry about my gold master first." She took a sip of tea. "How's the preparations for the studio? A few of them, has the termination been successful?"

"Wen Kexin is a newcomer, so Mu Yanhuai is not too embarrassed that she is already going through the cancellation procedures. But Ying Xiaoyu and Peng Jiayi are more troublesome." Shang Tianyi sighed, "they are both popular fresh meat, especially Peng Jiayi, it's a quasi-first line, how can Mu Yanhuai be willing to let go? So neither of them has applied yet, and is ready to wait for a suitable time."

"The right time..." Ye Shengge muttered. "This is indeed a problem."

"How insidious Mu Yanhuai's bones are, you should also know." Shang Tianyi sneered, "I don't think he will give up easily."

Following his sentence, the door of the box was pushed open from the outside.

"I won't give up easily?" The man standing at the door gave a determined smile. "You are right."

Ye Shengge's complexion changed, but Shang Tianyi jumped up directly: "I depend, why are you here!"

"Sorry, I was on the set just now. I heard you said this address." Mu Yanhuai copied her hand and smiled slightly, "I guess, the person who meets you is Shengge."

"Fuck!" Shang Tian rolled his eyes wildly, "Sheng Ge, let's go, go to my house!"

Ye Shengge calmed down and smiled: "No need, even Mu always came, then let's talk openly."

After hearing this, Mu Yanhuai smiled deeper.

"Good talk." He walked straight in and sat down in the middle of the two. "I'm still wondering why Wen Kexin wants to cancel the contract. You are the master behind the scenes. Shengge, do you want to stand on your own and fight against me?"

"I do want to set up my own portal, but I didn't specifically aim at you." Ye Shengge looked at him, "Mr. Mu, you think too much."

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