Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 154: You are my woman now

Ji Shiting frowned slightly and simply leaned over to hug her sideways.

There was a repressed whisper in the office, and Ye Shengge couldn't help but exclaim.

"I can go..." She was embarrassed with the hot eyes of everyone, "Let me down."

Ji Shiting glanced at her coldly and took her directly to the office and put it on the sofa.

"How did you get here?" he asked coldly, crouching down and holding her ankle.

"Uh... in the car." She quickly explained, "You don't worry, I didn't take a few steps."

Ji Shiting squeezed the position where she was injured before, to make sure that there was no problem, and his face eased slightly: "This time I will spare you."

Ye Shengge blushed, "Uh", still looking awkward, glancing at him behind him from time to time.

Ji Shiting calmly straightened his body and looked back to Yu Shuhang: "You can go."

"But I still have something..." Yu Shuhang said halfway, and he changed his mind with a warning look at Shiji Ting, "I still have things, take a step first. Sister-in-law. Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Ye Shengge quickly greeted him.

After Yu Shuhang left, she asked hesitantly: "Did I bother you?"

"No." Ji Shiting sat down beside her, combing her long hair, and said coldly, "What's wrong, it looks like a bully."

Ye Shengge heard his words, and almost burst into tears.

She didn't know why. She just suddenly wanted to see this man, probably because, no matter what attitude Ji Ji Ting had towards her, he would always look directly at her eyes.

Ye Shengge knew that he had never minded the birthmark on her face, whether for educational reasons or other reasons. At least in front of him, she didn't need to worry about the obscure birthmark.

Mu Yanhuai vowed that no man could bear her face. But Ye Shengge believes that even if her birthmark will never be eliminated, Ji Shiting will not mind.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but fall into his arms and tightly hugged his waist, as if to draw some strength from him.

Ji Shiting was slightly startled.

"It looks like he was really bullied." His hand was inserted into her long hair, and she groaned a little. "Mu Yanhuai? Did you meet him?"

"How do you know?" Ye Shengge looked up in surprise.

Ji Shiting sneered: "Besides him, who else can make you look like this. What do you see him do?"

"Showdown..." Ye Shengge sighed. "I just suddenly realized that the reason I believed him was because he was the first man who affirmed my talent and said he didn't mind the birthmark on my face. But In fact, he is no different from others, no, he is worse and more sinister than others."

Ji Shiting heard a bit of self-aversion, he sneered: "This only shows that the circle of life you have lived in these years is too low."

Ye Shengge was choked by him and was speechless.

"You are my woman now, I don't mind enough." Ji Shiting's voice was as cold as ever.

But Ye Shengge's eyes were hot and damp.

"I know you don't mind, but now there is a way to eliminate this birthmark. Isn't that better." Ye Shengge couldn't help saying it, and secretly looked up at him, "Are you right?"

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