Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 155: His taste is a bit unique

Ji Shiting raised the corner of his lips, and said with a smile: "No. I think you are fine now."

"Where is it better? With this birthmark, I am very restricted in acting." Ye Shengge was anxious. "I know you don't like the feeling of being used, but you obviously want it... I promise, as long as you eliminate this Birthmarks, I must be obedient! If you need me to be a competent wife, I will cooperate well. If you don’t want to see me, I will hide far away, and promise to stop entangle you!"

Ye Shengge felt that she was sincere, but as soon as her voice fell, the temperature in Ji Shiting's eyes quickly cooled.

"No." Ji Shiting looked at her with a slightly harsh tone, "I just don't want to make you wish."

If he didn't want to see her, she would hide far away and never bother him again?

I'm afraid this is what she is looking forward to.

Ji Shiting sneered in his heart.

Ye Shengge grabbed his clothes pensively: "Why?"

"Good question." Ji Shiting smiled slightly, "If you can think of the answer, I will do what you want."

Ye Shengge suddenly dumbfounded.

How did she know what the man was thinking!

Ye Shengge really wanted to have a special function that can see through people's hearts at this time!

"Wait here for me for half an hour." Ji Shiting squeezed her face. "I'll take you home after I finish my work."

After talking, he stood up and returned to the back of the desk.

Ye Shengge grabbed her hair tangled.

Why exactly?

Could it be that he enjoys the current state of fighting against her?

Ye Shengge drummed his cheeks, and felt that this possibility was very high.

Huh, harder, harder, who is afraid of who! Ye Shengge's stubbornness was also excited. She took out her mobile phone and logged in to WeChat, sending a message to Shang Tianyi.

[What are some high-end tricks to seduce men? It is to make the other party not see that you are seduce him! 】

Shang Tianyi seconds back: [What do you ask about this? What does your gold owner demand? 】

[Uh... yes, his taste is a little unique. 】

[Wait, I will search. I will send the link to you in a moment, you should study it carefully, and be sure to wait for the gold master! 】

Ye Shengge responded with a [OK], and then he raised his head and turned his attention to Ji Shiting not far away.

At this time, it was almost evening, the afterglow of the sunset poured in from the floor-to-ceiling windows and fell on the man's body, and was cut into bright and dark silhouettes by his deep and three-dimensional features. His slender hand happened to turn a page of documents, and his handsome face was slightly faint Moving to this side, the expression is serious, and constitutes a stunning picture.

Ye Shengge suddenly felt that the whole world was quiet. Her body seemed to automatically block out all the sounds. In a trance, she could only hear her heartbeat.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Shengge finally recovered.

She quickly withdrew her gaze and slowly exhaled, feeling that her cheeks were a little hot, and she couldn't help covering them with her hands.

After that, she might have fallen into her own before waiting for her to succeed.


She silently read the Buddha number several times in her heart, trying to calm herself down. Then he coughed lightly.

Ji Shiting looked up at her: "Is it anxious?"

"No." Ye Shengge heard his voice and didn't know why she was a little shy. Her eyes flickered and didn't dare to stare at him. "That's how I suddenly remembered the things in the studio... Artists with potential, I want to set up a studio as soon as possible and sign them."

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