Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 164: theme song

"Shengge, I just came to see you." Xu Xiangjie looked at her nervously, "I will arrange an opponent play for you and Mu Xiaoya in the afternoon. You must not deliberately provoke her this time and let her finish the trick. , The role of Yingxue can only be hers, it is impossible to change people."

Ye Shengge stunned: "What's the matter? Is it possible that Mu Xiaoya brought capital into the group? But this drama was independently invested by T.S."

"It's not an investment." Xu Xiangjie scratched his head. "You will know in two days."

Ye Shengge froze for a moment, then turned his gaze to Mu Xiaoya, and their eyes met in the air.

Mu Xiaoya smiled contemptuously at her and looked away.

Ye Shengge feels more and more wrong, what is it that makes Mu Xiaoya suddenly so arrogant?

In the afternoon, Ye Shengge and Mu Xiaoya's rival play. Although Mu Xiaoya's performance was not satisfactory, it was much better than the previous few days, so Xu Xiangjie hurriedly called "good".

Before the release, Xu Xiangjie of this quality will definitely be dissatisfied, but now he can only express his approval in order to enhance Mu Xiaoya's self-confidence and status.

Upon seeing this, Ye Shengge knew that it was difficult to exclude Mu Xiaoya from the crew. In this regard, she was not particularly disappointed, but she did not understand what happened, and Xu Xiangjie changed her attitude towards Mu Xiaoya.

On the third day, she finally knew the reason.

Because "Xue Ning Zhuan" official micro released the theme song of the TV series.

The first person to post this Weibo was Lin Ran. At that time, Ye Shengge was filming. Lin Ran brushed the phone next to it, and the theme song was brushed out.

She immediately called on everyone to listen to it excitedly, and also increased the volume deliberately. Several of the staff next to them all came together. After listening to the song, several people's faces changed.

"This song is too nice!" Someone muttered, "I will play it a hundred times in a loop!"

"Who sings, who sings!"

"Yes, there are lyrics and music, the words are beautiful! I love it!"

Lin Ran immediately clicked into the details of this Weibo, and then she froze.

"Singing: Mu Xiaoya, lyricist: Mu Xiaoya, composer: Mu Xiaoya." Lin Ran said, raising his head in surprise, "How is it possible?"

But Guan Weiming wrote plainly, and this seems to be the case. The name of this theme song is "Love", the lyrics are beautiful, and the melody is more beautiful, accompanied by the sound that Mu Xiaoya has obviously been repaired.

"This song is so beautiful to cry! The last time I felt this way, I still listened to Mu Xia's song."

"I also thought of Mu Xia! She has disappeared for more than three years. Rumors say that she is no longer alive. I can hear this "Love" today. I almost thought my beloved Mu Xia is back!"

"Wait a minute, the songwriters of this song are all Mu Xiaoya. Could it be said... Mu Xiaoya was the original singer Mu Xia who was very popular in those days?"

"The timbre is not very similar, but Mu Xia said that she has a timbre for every song. Maybe this is her true voice?"

The word "Mu Xia" is everywhere in every repost and comment of this song.

Many people in the crew have listened to Mu Xia's songs. Some people are even more fans of Mu Xia. After they listened to the song, their eyes turned to Mu Xiaoya.

After filming the scene, Ye Shengge also understood the whole story, she held the phone, her face was terrible calm.

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