Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 165: Dare you show up

As an original singer, Mu Xia rises on the Internet, but her reputation is not limited to the Internet. About four years ago, a magnificent "Xia Xia Li" was published on Weibo, making the name Mu Xia known for the first time. The high level of this piece of music was amazed by many big players in the industry. At that time, a company contacted her to sign a contract with her, but Mu Xia refused.

In a year, she has released more than a dozen original songs, "Song Song", "Winter Clothes", "Dancing Sleeve" and so on. Each song became popular on the Internet, and Mu Xia's account quickly accumulated nearly 10 million fans. Countless people wanted her to participate in the show, or debut directly, or even burst a photo, but Mu Xia never responded. Just as she appeared silently, suddenly one day, her account was completely silent, for three years and three months, there was no news.

Because of her own silence, her songs were stolen by games and various fandom videos, covered by countless people, and mainstream singers sang her songs on singing variety shows. Her core fans are very uneasy. She constantly seeks opportunities to popularize the name "Mu Xia". As a result, after so long, her Weibo fans have doubled, and the number of fans is comparable to many first-line big names.

Most fans may not remember the name "Mu Xia", but it does not mean that they have forgotten. When a "Mu Xia", which is entirely in Mu Xia style, was born, many people remembered that they were touched by Mu Xia. , The core fans even tearful eyes, "Mu Xiaoya is Muxia" suddenly became the hottest topic today.

Lin Ran also paid attention to Mu Xia in her early years. When she saw this hot topic, she was very angry: "How could Mu Xiaoya be Mu Xia? I never believe it!"

"She isn't." Ye Shengge sighed, "But this song is indeed from Mu Xia."

"Is this Mu Xia's new work, she sold the copyright to Mu Xiaoya?" Lin Ran guessed, "How can she tolerate her work to be named by others?"

Ye Shengge smiled bitterly: "I'll make a call."

She walked to the corner, released Mu Yanhuai's number from the blacklist, and dialed it out.

The phone was quickly connected, and it seemed that Mu Yanhuai knew she would call.

"What do you mean?" Ye Shengge's voice was very calm.

"As you wish." Mu Yanhuai said with a deep smile. "In the beginning, you gave me this song, and it was also your suggestion to let Mu Xiaoya sing this song, suggesting that she is Muxia. You said, anyway. Muxia will not show up again. Now that your assumptions come true, you should be happy."

"Mu Yanhuai, you are really shameless." Ye Shengge sneered. "Do you really think this trick will work?"

"Huh..." Mu Yanhuai smiled, "Unless you let Mu Xia show up. But do you dare to show up? Mu Xia's identity has been deified, and I don't know if netizens can accept that their goddess has such a big flaw. As Ye Shengge, your attention is still very low, so you can draw a flower on the birthmark to fool it. But once you show up as Mu Xia, your real photo will be immediately posted and seen by countless people Go. In addition, what evidence do you have to prove that "Love" is your work?"

He sneered, "Sheng Ge, I didn't want to do this, you forced me!"

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