Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1642: Really miss him

Jiang Yu chuckled and praised very well: "That's right, I will learn from you about this."

"Oh, you are much more powerful than me. I watch the news every day to praise you." Jing Tong said, his voice subdued. "Are you okay recently? Duan Zhe said he was busy and asked him to give it to you personally." Feed it."

Jiang Yu's voice dimmed: "Fortunately, I miss you so much."

"You still miss me?" Jing Tong expressed doubt.

"Huh..." The man said unkindly. "You don't know how inefficient these people are. Every time I listen to their nonsense, I miss you."

Jing Tong smiled happily: "Who dares to talk nonsense with you?"

"Not my men, but the people in the president's office. They used to be Tang Xu's subordinates, so you can imagine." Jiang Yu snorted softly, "Fortunately, the handover work is over."

"That's good..." Jing Tong couldn't help but asked, "Can you see me after your inaugural speech tomorrow?"

There was a pause over the phone before Jiang Yu chuckled softly: "Missing me?"

Jing Tongqi's cheek bulged up: "You say! I think I'm married! Who can see her husband in the news!"

"I will come back tomorrow when I say nothing. Don't worry." The man's laughter was quite cheerful. "We will move the day after tomorrow."

"Okay." Jing Tong couldn't help but lifted his lips. "Come on, rest. The inaugural speech tomorrow morning is very important. People all over the world will watch it... I will watch it too. Come on!"

"Um..." Jiang Yu responded with a smile, but he was still reluctant to hang up.

Listening to the man's shallow breathing, I don't know why, Jing Tong suddenly felt his eyes warm.

"Jiang Yu..." She whispered his name, and her voice was a little choked, "I..."

"What's wrong?" The man listened to her voice incorrectly, and the tone fell suddenly. "Who bullied you?"

"No... who else will bully me besides you!" Jing Tong bit his lip, hesitating for a moment or not, and said, "In short, I will wait for you to come back tomorrow night."

"Okay." Jiang Yu chuckled, his voice a little more ambiguous, "Sorry, I don't seem to have done my duty as a husband recently."

Jing Tong's face was hot, "I don't mean that... Okay, good night!"

After she finished speaking, she quickly hung up the phone and rolled on the wide bed.

Ah, she almost confessed to him just now!

But the impulse came suddenly, and she couldn't control it herself.

She really... really missed him...


I don't know if I have thought about it every day, but Jingtong dreamed of Jiang Yu that night.

And it's quite a discordant dream.

The man's powerful palm clasped her waist, Ying Ying's face was extremely **** because of the tightness, and the rapid breathing made the face red and red, the sweat on his forehead dripped on her face, and the tip of her heart should shrink In a ball.

She couldn't help but stretch out her hand, trying to hug him tightly, but it fell through.

Jing Tong awakened from the dream all at once, panting heavily, opening his eyes, but entering the dark room.

She froze for a few seconds before realizing that she was dreaming...

Jing Tong couldn't help screaming, and then rolled **** the bed.

...No matter what, she has to obey her heart and must sleep with her husband tomorrow night!

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