Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1643: This responsibility almost scared her

At noon, Jiang Yu’s inauguration ceremony will be held on the large square in front of the central government in Beijing.

For safety reasons, Jing Tong did not go to the scene, but she had been waiting to watch the live broadcast in front of TV early. In the early morning, after waking up from her sleep, she couldn't sleep anymore, so she got up before dawn, wondering if it was too hyperactive, she didn't feel sleepy at all.

It was less than ten o'clock at this time. People from all over the country had already drained the water occupied by the Grand Plaza. There were millions of people. There were tens of thousands of security personnel responsible for maintaining order. Jing Tong did not know that he was at the scene. What a feeling, but through the TV, she already has a breathless feeling.

I don't know when the light rain floated in the sky, and the scene looked even more crowded.

Jing Tong took the phone in his hand and wanted to call Jiang Yu to ask him how he felt at this time, but at the moment he didn't know how busy he was and could only suppress the urge impulsively.

Soon after, Chen Zhengfei came, and he gasped to bring first-hand news: "Your Excellency has set off for the Grand Plaza."

After a while, Xu Yao also came, and Jing Tong specially sent someone to invite her to be a guest.

After Xu Yao walked in, too late to express his views on Jiang Zhai, he was shocked by the scene displayed by the huge display in the center of the living room.

"Come?" Jing Tong turned to see her and waved at her.

Xu Yao smiled and walked over to sit down next to her: "I grew up so much, and I have seen the inauguration several times, but this is definitely the most spectacular ever..."

Jing Tong nodded vigorously: "Me too... I joined in the fun once when I was studying, but I didn't think it was a big deal at the time."

At least it has never been so nervous.

Probably feeling her emotions, Xu Yao clenched her hands: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Jing Tong took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions. "We have more than an hour... We can only watch people now... Let's go, I will take you to stroll in the yard."

He said that she dragged Xu Yao to get up and told Chen Zhengfei: "Jiang Yu told me when he arrived at the scene."

Chen Zhengfei nodded frequently.

Jing Tong was relieved and came to the backyard with Xu Yao. It was just a light rain, and there was a moist fragrance in the air. Jing Tong felt that his tense mood had calmed down a little bit.

She let out a long breath.

"How do I feel that our Excellency President is not as nervous as you are now." Xu Yao couldn't help laughing.

Jing Tong bit his lip, "I don't know what to say... Actually, I always knew that he would be president, not to mention that he is now president, and I also know his responsibilities and my responsibilities, but..."

Xu Yao was puzzled: "But what?"

"But it wasn't until just now that I saw so many people... so many people came for Jiang Yu. I realized how important this responsibility is." Jing Tong's tone was a bit self-deprecating, "Then I realized that I The psychological preparation is far from enough."

She used to do whatever she wanted under the protection of her father. She basically had no ideals and ambitions. She only knew how to eat, drink and play. But in just a few years, because of Jiang Yu, she had to become a role model or even a leader. This responsibility almost scared her.

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