Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1663: Lovely foul!

Jing Tong got up early in the morning to prepare. She first discussed the noon menu with the kitchen, and then took the butler to decorate the vestibule, put on white chairs, covered with soft carpets, and of course, snacks with drinks Toys, vow to make two children have fun.

During the period, Jiang Yu came out and looked at her. Her busy face turned red, and she couldn't help feeling distressed: "Why bother with this. It's almost enough."

"No." Jing Tong glanced at him, very serious. "What if the twins are not happy."

Children will not hide their preferences. Happiness means happiness, and unhappiness means unhappiness. Jing Tong's first banquet does not want the guests to be disappointed, even two guests who are only three or four years old.

Jiang Yu was a little surprised: "I thought you didn't like children."

"The beautiful, clean and well-behaved children are sitting there, why can't I like it?" Jing Tong sighed, "but let me turn around the children around the clock, then I don't like it."

Jiang Yu smiled helplessly and heard the engine sound, he looked up at the entrance.

"They are coming."

Jing Tong grabbed his arm and smiled: "Go, let's go out to meet."

Far away, Jing Tong saw Ji Shiting holding a little girl and got out of the car. Ye Shengge led a little boy over. The little boy was wearing a formal suit, white face, delicate facial features, like two black grapes. Eyes looked around curiously.

The little girl probably saw that her brother didn't let her mother hug her, so she didn't want to stay in her father's arms. She had to go down to the ground. Ji Shiting smiled and said something to her. She lit her small head and looked awkward. , Ji Shiting then leaned down and put her on the ground, holding her little hand, the little girl smiled happily, and the other hand held her brother, the two children deserved to be dragons and phoenixes, and they looked very similar, but The little girl's facial features are sweeter, and her blinking eyes look a little more naughty than her brother.

Jing Tong's eyes were unwilling to blink... In fact, this was not the first time she saw two children. Ye Shengge's wedding, she was a bridesmaid, but at that time she only wanted to complete her work, and she was not in a mood to laugh and see. When the family was so lively and warm, her heart hurt a little, so she had no contact with the two children, leaving only the impression that the twins were cute.

It was only then that she had the mood to look at them carefully, and then she realized that these two children were more than just cute, it was... two little angels!

Lovely foul!

Jing Tong's heartbeat can't help but accelerate...I don't know if her reproductive impulse came in advance, why is she so rare these two white and tender children!

Just then, a family of four not far away also saw Jiang Yu and Jing Tong.

Ye Shengge laughed.

After approaching, the adults naturally had to say a few words first. Jing Tong was a little absent-minded and could not remember whether she had responded. Fortunately, Jiang Yu didn't have to worry about her. Her eyes were always stuck on the two children.

The two children also looked at her curiously, and they didn't remember Jing Tong anymore.

"Achen, Qing'er, this is your uncle Jiang Yu and aunt Jing Tong." Ye Shengge introduced to the two children.

"Uncle Jiang Yu is good, Aunt Jingtong is good." The two whispered in a small voice and greeted them in unison.

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