Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1664: This is the luck of being loved

"Hello!" Jing Tong was in full bloom, a little hand that grabbed the twins from other parents, "Come over, Auntie is ready for you. What do you like to eat."

Jiang Yu saw this, both helpless and funny. The twins are indeed very cute, and he likes it too, but he did not expect Jing Tong’s reaction to be so strong, and he was a little sick.

"Sorry, Tong Tong misses the two children very much, and I look forward to seeing you here early in the morning." Jiang Yu said calmly, giving his daughter-in-law a round face without changing her face.

"It doesn't matter, Miss Jing Tong...Oh no, it should be said that our first lady likes children so much, it's fortunate for all of us." Ji Shiting hooked his lips.

"Yeah. Jing Tong still has such a temperament, thanks to Your Excellency." Ye Shengge sighed sincerely.

She still remembers the first time she saw Jing Tong. At that time, she was just a little arrogant and enthusiastic little girl. After so many things, she had been depressed, and now that arrogance was replaced by toughness and maturity. However, the passion and liveliness in her bones were re-inspired again. This is the luck of being pampered. It can be seen that Jiang Yu is very good to her.

Jiang Yu heard Ye Shengge's approbation and affirmation, and the smile on the corner of his lips deepened a little: "The two of you should also sit in it."


It is spring, the climate is very comfortable, there is no sun today, only the breeze is slow, a few people sit in the vestibule and chat casually, but mainly Jiang Yu and Ji Shiting are talking, the topic is nothing more than politics, economy and finance, Ye Shengge After listening for a while, it was really boring, and turned his gaze to Jing Tong.

Jing Tong is trying to entertain two children, but unfortunately the two little guys do not buy it.

She first asked the servants to bring dessert to them, but Achen and Qinger shook their heads and refused politely and politely. Jing Tong didn't give up, and people brought fruit, but the two children only ate two grapes. They all refused other snacks.

This made Jing Tong very frustrated and couldn't help turning his attention to Ye Shengge.

Ye Shengge couldn't help laughing: "It's almost noon at this moment. They are waiting to eat, they won't eat snacks. It's their snack time after 3 pm, but they won't eat too much."

Jing Tong was incredible, and she looked at the two children curiously: "How can you bear it? Auntie was so eager to eat snacks and snacks."

"Mom said, snacks don't grow tall, only meals grow taller." Achen stood tall and small.

"Eating snacks will make you fat, and you won't look good when you are fat." Qinger said with a smile.

Jing Tong was really convinced. For this reason, my father told her when she was a child, but where can children have this self-control.

She couldn't help looking at Ye Shengge: "You taught the children really well."

"They are stinky." Ye Shengge bluntly commented, "They say that eating snacks is bad for their health, they don't care about it. It is usually praised that they are too beautiful and cute. I'm afraid that one day will not look good. Stole the limelight. Heavier than my idol's burden."

The two little guys put out their tongues.

Jing Tong couldn't love it, he smiled and said: "Relax, you are the most beautiful and lovely children aunt has ever seen."

"Aunt Jingtong, you are also the most beautiful and lovely aunt I have ever seen." Qinger said with a smile, really sweet and not money.

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