Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1665: Little ghost

Achen didn't speak, but he nodded frequently. The small appearance should not be too sincere. He smiled at Jing Tong's eyebrows and couldn't help but hug them in his arms: "Oh, you are too cute! Aunt wants to keep you Come down!"

Ye Shenggeqiang refrained from laughing, and wasn't embarrassed to say that these two children said this to everyone. So she and Ji Shiting's friends were basically coaxed by the sweet words of the two little guys.

"We also like Aunt Jingtong." Qing'er said sweetly, "but we can't stay, Mom and Dad can't bear ours."

Ye Shengge continued to dismantle the station and smiled: "Who said that Mom and Dad are not willing? You are here to stay, OK."

Achen's eyes rolled back: "Grandpa doesn't want to."

"Yes." Qinger nodded vigorously.

"Oh, you two little clever ghosts." Jing Tongle couldn't help it.

Ye Shengge smiled, reached out and sorted out some messy necklines for Achen, and then asked Jing Tong: "Do you and the President have plans to have children?"

"Yes... Unfortunately, he is too busy. We don't have this plan yet." Jing Tong sighed.

"Well, after having a child, time is basically occupied by the child." Ye Shengge dialed her daughter's horns again. "Fortunately, these two little guys are very sensible and don't need us to worry too much."

"I also want to have a child as cute as Achen and Qing'er." Jing Tong felt that if she and Jiang Yu's children were so beautiful and cute, so clever and clever, she wouldn't mind having two more children.

Near noon, the housekeeper came to invite them to the table.

The head chef of the Presidential Palace is still the one who served in Jiangzhai. The lunch is mainly Chinese. The chef's craftsmanship can make Jing Tong convinced, and naturally can satisfy Ji Shiting and Ye Shengge, let alone the two children. The two of them ate sweetly with spoons, and did not make any mess at all, except that their small arms were too short to reach the dishes. They needed their parents to help them pick them.

Jing Tong was even more fond of it. He didn't eat anymore. He picked up the chopsticks and served the two children in person. Ye Shengge couldn't stop him.

Jiang Yu looked at this scene, and there was a soft smile in his eyes.

Ji Shiting also just caught a piece of fish meat with clean fishbone for his son, but Jing Tong took the job diligently. He had to put down his chopsticks.

He looked up and saw Jiang Yu's expression, and immediately guessed what Jiang Yu was thinking.

...Maybe Achen and Qing'er can still send Guanyin as a return.

Ji Shiting couldn't help but smile.

Soon after lunch, the two little guys became sleepy. Jing Tong immediately asked the housekeeper to pack up the room and personally took them to the room to take a nap. Ye Shengge saw Jing Tong was on his head and stole back.

Ji Shiting and Jiang Yu each brought a cup of tea and continued the topic before lunch. Without knowing what was said, Jiang Yu suddenly proposed: "Why don't you come and serve me as an economic adviser."

Ji Shiting raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"It's just a name, you don't need you to come to work, don't worry." Jiang Yu explained, "It will consult your opinion when necessary, rest assured, we will pay the consultant."

Ji Shiting smiled faintly: "You are too worthy of me. I am not an expert and scholar, only a little rough experience."

"I have talked to many experts and scholars. Since I asked, it is because you are fully qualified." Jiang Yu looked at him, "consider?"

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