Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1687: You do it yourself

I don't know if it's idle, or the hormone has changed. This day Jingtong suddenly began to have morning sickness.

However, the conclusions given by the experts are the same. This is a normal phenomenon. There is no good way to solve it, just wait for a while.

Jiang Yu looked at Jing Tong's cheeks because he couldn't eat anything.

"Everything was good before, I thought you would not have morning sickness." He frowned, "Have you nothing to eat?"

"...I can't think of it." Jing Tong was lying in his arms, really unable to mention the spirit, but still trying to appease him, "It's okay... I'm okay, I can hold it for the time being, just hang some glucose in a big deal, Shengge did the same at the time, and nothing will happen anyway."

"How can dangling glucose work!" Jiang Yu's tone was full of worry and anxiety, but he didn't want his emotions to affect her, he could only calm down as much as possible, "I let the kitchen prepare some rice soup, you drink as much as possible ."

Jing Tong has tried almost all the food in the past two days, and finally found that besides water and fruit, she can only drink rice soup, so she can only rely on this method to supplement carbohydrates, but protein has no way, all high protein The food is the culprit that caused her morning sickness.

It's okay for a day or two, but it won't work for a long time.

It didn't take long for the maid to bring the rice soup, and Jiang Yu personally fed her, but Jing Tong just exposed his pain after two sips and shook her head to show that she didn't want to drink anymore.

Jiang Yu's eyebrows could catch a fly, and he put down the bowl and said in a mute voice: "You are not in such a state, I will call them first, and the wedding will be cancelled temporarily!"

"Hey, hey..." Jing Tong quickly hugged his arm. "The day after tomorrow is the wedding. Are you cancelling now? Are you kidding me? It's a big deal. I hang a bottle of glucose early the day after tomorrow, enough for me to support the day!"

"No." He refused. "It's just a wedding. If you want to do it, you can do it at any time. Why don't you risk your body!"

"But our wedding is not just our business! The political meaning of it should be clearer to me! I just want to say, in your opinion, is my first lady just a decoration?" Jing Tong was a little angry, "I There are also my responsibilities, even if I am pregnant now, I don’t want to shirk this responsibility until the last resort!"

"Now is the last time!" Jiang Yu's face was still very unsightly.

"...No!" Jing Tong was bored, "I said I can hold it, I can hold it, don't be angry with me!"

"Tongtong..." Jiang Yu gritted his teeth and didn't want to get angry with her. He could only suppress the emotions in his heart and tried to reason with her. "Of course I understand that, I just don't think it's worth it. I can afford it temporarily. Cancel the loss of reputation caused by a wedding."

"But I don't want to bear this loss!" Jing Tong bulged his cheek gang, "Jiang Yu, in short, I put my words here, you dare to cancel the wedding, then I dare not talk to you for half a year, you can do it yourself! "

Jiang Yu seemed to lower his curse.

"Are you scolding me?" She stared back fiercely, but she stared at herself short of breath and coughed.

"Where do I dare." Jiang Yu quickly patted her spine, feeling more and more distressed, and had to slow down her voice. "Since it's uncomfortable, say less."

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