Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1688: Helpless to her

"In short, I don't want to cancel the wedding..." She threw herself into his arms, and her voice was aggrieved. "Can't you satisfy me with this request?"

Jiang Yu only felt a sharp contraction of his heart.

He never seemed to fight her.

"... Then streamline two more links." He groaned slightly, and said, "It's enough to keep only the section from here to the auditorium."

"No, the wedding is now streamlined enough. If you continue to streamline it, you might as well not do it!" Jing Tong was anxious again and looked up at him. "My own body, I know for myself, if I can't hold it, I will definitely say of!"

Jiang Yu and her stared at each other for a while, and finally sighed deeply.

He always said that no one dared to oppose his orders, and only this woman had the guts to oppose him again, but he was helpless to her.

"Okay." Jiang Yu finally could only respond with an extremely complicated mood. "But if your condition is not good the day after tomorrow, then I have to cancel the wedding, did you hear that?"

"I know, I know." Jing Tong put his arm around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.

The symptoms of Jingtong were still not good the next day, and she only barely drank a little porridge for breakfast and ate a few grapes, which made her a little worried about tomorrow's wedding, but when she was boring on the Internet in the afternoon, she was suddenly caught by a hairy crab. The picture evoked the greedy insect.

Yes, it's season for hairy crabs again!

Excited, she quickly rushed out of the room to find the butler Zhou and said she wanted to eat hairy crabs. Butler Zhou was very happy and prepared immediately.

So less than an hour later, Jing Tong saw several red hairy crabs on the table, and her saliva almost came out.

Jing Tong washed his hands and was about to start. Suddenly Jiang Yu came in.

He tightened his eyebrows as soon as he saw the hairy crab on the table: "Tong Tong?"

"Jiang Yu, here you come!" Jing Tong smiled. "Just I can't finish it all by yourself, you come and eat together!"

"How do you think of eating this?" Jiang Yu didn't seem to have a cold for hairy crabs. He walked to the woman's side and sat down, pressing her hand quietly.

"Just suddenly want to eat." She sighed, "I finally have something I want to eat, it is not easy."

Jiang Yu tightened his eyebrows, and didn't seem to agree.

"What's wrong?" Jing Tong was a little strange.

"Tongtong, hairy crabs are cold." He sighed softly. "Pregnant women can't eat them."

"Oh, this is a traditional Chinese medicine, but it's actually not that serious. I specifically checked it. Many pregnant women eat hairy crabs as usual during pregnancy. Nothing happens." Jing Tong said, "not to mention hairy crabs are high-protein foods, right It’s good for pregnant women, as long as it’s not overdose. I’m telling you, it’s also amazing. I wanted to vomit as soon as I smelled fish and shrimp two days ago, but I didn’t feel sick after smelling hairy crabs. Just eat two hairy crabs. , I think my wedding tomorrow will be able to survive."

After Jing Tong finished speaking, he began to peel the shell.

"Tongtong, every body type is different." Jiang Yu embraced her with a nearly tempting tone. "We don't eat hairy crabs, some fish and shrimps, OK? I let the kitchen handle it, and there is absolutely no fishy smell."

In Jiang Yu's view, since she doesn't feel sick about hairy crabs, other seafood Hexian should be able to eat a little.

However, Jing Tong lowered his face: "But now I just want to eat hairy crabs."

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