Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1693: the student surpasses the master

"Yeah! Eating was originally a big joy in life. Have you never eaten many good things?" Jing Tong said with a smile, "I will take you to eat later!"

Although Jiang Yu has had a fine drink from a small drink, the ingredients he has eaten are limited. Many local specialties and local flavor snacks. She bet that most of this man has never tried it.

"Okay." Jiang Yu nodded. "You can teach children how to eat, drink and play in the future."

"You look down on people less, I can teach it more things." Jing Tong snorted, "I can guarantee that the baby will like me more than you in the future."

Jiang Yu smiled gently.

During the speech, Jing Tong had eaten a crab cleanly, and she followed to get the second one. Jiang Yu raised her eyebrows and took one.

"Will you peel it? Do you want me to help you?" Jing Tong asked with concern.

"No. Didn't you teach me just now." Jiang Yu laughed and easily peeled off the crab shell.

Jing Tong was very fulfilled, and she bowed her head to deal with her own one, but she had just eaten the crab yellow and found that Jiang Yu reached out again.

She was taken aback and turned her head to see that only the one that Jiang Yu had just taken had been eaten up by him.

"Wow, really blue is better than blue." She sighed, "I have eaten crabs fast enough, I didn't expect you to be faster than me. Hairy crabs are super delicious, right?"

"Yes." Jiang Yu nodded, and had peeled off the shell of the crab in his hand.

Jing Tong was very proud, but soon, she discovered that if the people who ate at the same table had good food, the result might be that she had no food to eat! She finally finished eating the third crab and looked up to see that the plate was empty.

She looked at her side in shock, Jiang Yu had a pile of crab shells and feet.

When the kitchen was brought in, let’s say there were eight or nine, that is to say, Jiang Yu ate twice as much.

She complained a little: "Why don't you leave me one."

"Because it's so delicious." Jiang Yu said nothing, and his tone sounded sincere. "I didn't hold back for a while, sorry."

"Hahaha." The slight dissatisfaction in Jing Tong's heart disappeared immediately, "Understand and understand, let the kitchen steam more next time."

Jiang Yu heard her say next time, and could not help but breathe: "Want to eat something else? For example, rice or something?"

Jing Tong licked his lips and found that he did not seem disgusted with the taste of rice, so he nodded.

Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing.

The maid quickly cleaned the table, the two washed their hands, and dinner was already set on the table. To take care of Jing Tong’s appetite, the dinner should be lighter and lighter. In order to let her eat something, the kitchen also used Exhausted everything. But Rao is so. Jing Tong didn't eat a lot at night, but it is much better than the previous two days.

The housekeeper was very pleased, and even Jiang Yu couldn't help but relieved.

Perhaps it is because she has been suppressing herself these days, which leads to morning sickness. Today, the two of them talked about it. She probably vented her emotions in her heart, so she had an appetite?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu blamed himself more and more.

Jing Tong suddenly glared at him: "I just told you, did you forget?"

"What?" Jiang Yu nervously recalled his performance just now, but didn't find anything wrong, so she held her hand.

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