Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1694: Give me another chance, OK?

Jing Tong hugged his arm and snorted: "I don't eat, you are all frowning. When I eat, you look relieved. In fact, this is also a pressure for me. If I don't have I am pregnant, and then happen to have no appetite. I haven’t eaten well in a few days. Are you so nervous?"

Jiang Yu stunned slightly, and then his eyebrows spread out: "You hope...I don't think of you as a pregnant woman?"

"I was originally a pregnant woman, you can't think of me as a pregnant woman, but even a pregnant woman, you don't need to be so nervous, sometimes your performance makes me feel like I am a terminally ill patient..." Jing Tong was dissatisfied Talking.

The word "fatal disease" made Jiang Yu wrinkle his eyebrows: "Nonsense again."

"It was originally." She wrinkled her nose. "You reflect on yourself, what kind of psychology are you. If you have been like this, I might as well go back to the old house. My mother is coming here, staying with her, I think it's very good Comfortable."

Apart from knowing that she was warmed up when she was pregnant, He Xiangjun would not be too enthusiastic to make her feel more stressed, but it would not make her feel left out.

Jing Tong often sighed that her mother-in-law was a person with a good personality and a high emotional intelligence. How could he teach Jiang Yu such a son?

Jiang Yu squeezed his lips tightly, and was really lost in contemplation.

After a while, he sighed: "I get it. Give me another chance, OK?"

"And just now, don't think I didn't see that you were deliberate." Jing Tong gave him a glance. "You deliberately grabbed the hairy crab with me, just worried that I had eaten too much. In fact, I just intended Just eat one more. Compared with my usual amount, it’s a little witch. So it’s the same question, you don’t believe I will be restrained. Continue to reflect.”

She said she caressed her abdomen and muttered, "I'm the child's mother."

Jiang Yu's heart burst into tears, and he held the woman tightly, covering her back with big hands.

The fetus is only three months old until next week. When she is wearing her clothes, it is not obvious at all. Only when the hand is put on, there is such a gentle bulge. If you don't feel it carefully, you might even think that it is his illusion.

But there is no doubt that there is a little life here that is gestating.

"You are right." Jiang Yu's voice was hoarse. His jaw pressed against the woman's forehead. "You are the child's mother. I can't bear any responsibility for you during the child's pregnancy. But that's why, I You should trust you more."

This is a woman of his own choice, and no one knows her character and character better than he does. Why would he think that she is the kind of person who willfully behaves even if she is pregnant?

No wonder she is angry.

Jiang Yu squeezed her hand tightly, and her voice became more muffled: "Tong Tong, I'm sorry."

About feeling his sincerity, Jing Tong's lips were hooked: "It doesn't matter, as long as you change it later. After all, it's still half a year before the baby is born. I actually need you very much."

"Well." Jiang Yu laughed and kissed her forehead. "I won't drag you back."

He will also take the time to learn about motherhood and maternal and infant knowledge recently, maybe he has read too many bad examples, so he is a bit overly nervous, but the more he is, the more he should be calm, even if he can’t calm down Showing it affects her.

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