Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 171: The tricks are good, but it’s too anxious

The next second, she suddenly sat on his body, hugged his neck, her voice was hoarse and soft: "Her husband, I want..."

Ji Shiting's eyes deepened.

"Not to eliminate birthmarks..." She licked her lips. "You can wear a sleeve... I just want you."

She bluntly said that her cheeks turned red, not sure if it was excited or shy.

Ji Shiting breathed heavily, and the scorching big palm clasped her jaw, as if judging the authenticity of this sentence.

Ye Shengge's eyes fixed on his lips, biting up.

Ji Shiting didn't expect that she would suddenly become so enthusiastic. She was suddenly caught off guard by this woman. She pushed her tongue in and swept through his mouth without any rules, but let Ji Shiting get all over. The muscles are tight.

His throat slipped, pushing the woman away with difficulty, with a terrible look.

"Are you really here, eh?" he said hoarsely.

"Yeah." Ye Shengge said, and bowed his head to kiss his collarbone again. The collar of his pajamas was wide open. Because of the freshly bathed man, the man's clear chest still had water vapor, which looked particularly attractive. Ye Shengge is another chaos of unruly chaos.

Ji Shiting overflowed from his throat with a snorting sensation, and his throat knot rolled quickly, reaching for her head and forcing her to look up.

"Ye Shengge!" His voice was irritated with hoarse voice.

The woman blinked her eyes, licking her lips very slowly at him. This action was very erotic, and Ji Shiting looked at her eyes, her eyes darkened.

"Why." Her hands are still around his neck, and her voice is soft and aggrieved. "I also have needs, don't you touch me, are you afraid that I will go out of the wall."

Ji Shiting gave her a deep look, suddenly turned her over her, and pressed her against him.

Ye Shengge froze for a moment, and then her entire face lit up. Her legs had spontaneously wrapped around the man's waist, but unexpectedly Ji Ting reached out and opened the drawer of the bedside table, and took out a safe set of clips. Fingertips, then squinted at her.

Ye Shengge looked at him fearlessly, with the words "It doesn't matter, you can use it."

Ji Shiting gave her a deep look, then put the safety kit under the light, flipped around and looked around.

"Fun." His throat slipped, and his hoarse voice contained a deep sneer. "It seems that the safe set has been pierced a lot."

Ye Shengge's body stiffened, but his face was blank: "What?"

"Who do you think this will be a masterpiece, eh?" Ji Shiting stared at her with a smile.

Ye Shengge is a little nervous: "I don't know...maybe Xiujie? She especially hopes that I can get pregnant as soon as possible. She cleans up your room for you every day. She has motivation and opportunity."

"But one person is more motivated." Ji Shiting smiled meaningfully. "There are also many opportunities."

"Not me." Ye Shengge looked at him calmly.

The man's throat rolled, and a low sneer: "The trick is good, but it's a shame."

Her excitement came too suddenly, and it was too obvious to make a tease, so he would have doubts.

Even if he praised Mu Xia and the studio was successfully established, she was excited to want to have something with him. With this woman's temperament, she would not be so explicit.

Those words are more like some kind of... words.

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