Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 172: Impulse

Ji Shiting stared at her momentarily.

Ye Shengge opened her mouth and saw that she couldn't get past it. She sighed a long way: "Well, I got a safe set a few days ago, but just now, I really couldn't help myself..."

"Really?" The man's voice was unsurprised. "If I don't touch you, you'll have Hongxing out of the wall, eh?"

Ye Shengge shivered and shook his head quickly: "I don't mean that..."

"Give me the phone." Ji Shiting ordered coldly.

"Why?" Ye Shengge's eyes widened. "You can't violate my privacy!"

Ji Shiting just looked at her coldly. Soon after, Ye Shengge cried with a sad face, and silently handed the phone over.

Ji Shiting grabbed her thumb to unlock the phone, then entered WeChat, opened the top chat record, flipped up, and a few links were suddenly in sight.

"Several tips, let your man want to stop you!" 》

"What if my husband is too cold?" Doing so guarantees constant sexual happiness! 》

Ji Shiting glanced at the name of the dialogue bar again: Shang Tianyi.

His eyes were deep, he threw her mobile phone aside, and looked down at her with a smile, like a smile: "You're quite hard."

Now that he has seen through, Ye Shengge has no need to hide, and her tone is wronged: "That link was read by me before, and happened to remember, I just... I really can't help myself, not premeditated. You Trust me."

It is very likely that her behavior has angered the man. She can only pretend to be miserable and try to eliminate his anger.

Moreover, she did not lie. If it was not for the fact that this man liked Mu Xia, she was very excited. If it was not for the establishment of the studio, she was suddenly moved. Even if she followed the guide, she could not be so active.

But Ji Shiting still didn't get hooked.

It was such a wasteful opportunity, and she might not be able to go out like this today.

Moreover, this man will only be more vigilant in the future.

Ji Shiting looked at her darkly for a while, his face expressionless.

When Ye Shengge was uneasy, he suddenly exhaled, and then leaned over and hugged her, against her forehead, and the handsome face was flattering.

Ye Shengge looked at the enlarged face of the man, and suddenly she was a little stunned. She thought the man would be angry, but instead of angry, he looked a little... helpless and disappointed?

"Sorry..." Ye Shengge subconsciously apologized.

Ji Shi Ting's throat knot rolled, kissed her forehead, and his voice was hoarse: "Is it really so anxious."

The man's low voice was very calm, as if there was no emotion.

But Ye Shengge didn't know why, and his heart squeezed hard. It seemed that her deliberate thoughts were a hurt to him.

"It's not..." She admitted honestly, "I just think that a good opportunity can't be given up."

The atmosphere was just right, but she just saw the link sent by Shang Tianyi during the day, and she was impulsive...

"Humph, it really is a good opportunity." He smiled coldly.

"I'm sorry." She apologized again, and her voice sounded muffled. "I'm not going to do this again. Do you forgive me?"

At this moment, Ye Shengge really regretted it.

At the beginning, she never felt that there was anything wrong with her behavior. Anyway, he was a man and would not suffer any loss-she always thought so.

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