Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1744: Is this your boyfriend?

However, one of the girls was full of surprise on the face, while the other two boys frowned, showing a little loss on their faces.

Qing'er reflexively tried to draw his hand from A Yao's hand, but failed, she gritted her teeth.

"Yvette, is this your boyfriend?" One of the red-haired girls began to gossip.

Yvette is Qing'er's English name. She is preparing to refute, but the teenager around her speaks faster than her.

"Yes, I'm Yvette's boyfriend." A Yao smiled slightly. "You can call me Arthur."

Qing'er turned his head in disbelief and glared at him.

A Yao smiled softly at her, and turned her eyes to several people not far away: "Are you classmates of Yvette?"

"Yes. We came here to measure a data. It was a coincidence that I didn't expect to encounter you." The red-haired girl said with a smile, very enthusiastic.

"Are you Yvette's boyfriend? Won't you?" a tall boy standing behind asked slightly aggressively, "I don't think she wants to admit it."

"We have just been together, she may be a little shy. You know, girls in our country are more subtle and not used to showing their love in front of outsiders." A Yao smiled, very calmly.

The boy looked at the hands they held together. Although they were unhappy, they were not good to say anything.

At this time, Qing'er finally couldn't help but pinch him fiercely.

A Yao let go of her quietly and gave her a spoiled smile: "If you guys talk first, I'll wait for you outside."

What can Qinger say, can only squeeze out a smile.

Ah Yao walked out of the door, not forgetting to smile at the two boys with both warning and superiority.

Both faces are a bit ugly.

"Hey, Susan, Mike, John..." Qinger greeted several people, "What data do you come over to measure? Do you need my help?"

"Of course." A few people weren't polite, immediately tossing the gossip and talking about the business.

Qing'er and they are not in a research group, but everyone's projects and topics often overlap, and they often discuss professional issues, so they are very familiar with each other, waiting for the business to be busy, the red-haired girl named Susan can't help it Laughed: "Yvette, your boyfriend is so cute."

Qing'er wanted to refute, there was no way to refute, only a rigid smile.

"Hey, there's nothing embarrassing. He was very young at first glance. Is he a freshman who just entered school this year? Okay!" Susan squeezed her eyes and showed a knowing smile that "I understand".

"Yvette, I didn't expect you to like this type." Mike couldn't help but insert their conversation. "I asked you several times and you didn't agree, I almost thought you were lesbian..."

"Hey!" Susan shouted at him with dissatisfaction, "You are too narcissistic! Yvette does not promise to date you, indicating that you are not her dish, is it that women who do not like you are all lace-edged?"

"I don't mean that." Mike explained busy. "It's just that Yvette has never promised anyone's invitation. If you don't believe you, John has also asked her."

John nodded: "Yep! I know that several of our departments have spoken to Yvette, and she disagreed, so we have this guess."

"Joey also said that Yvette may be asexual, because she doesn't seem to have an appointment with a girl..."

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