Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1745: I'm helping you

"Hey! Shutup!" Qing'er couldn't listen anymore, and she didn't expect that after she refused the invitations one after another, these people even talked about her in the background. "Boyfriend" is gone, she made a gesture and said angrily, "My sexual orientation is normal, but unfortunately, you... are not my type! Don't guess wildly in the future, OK?"

Mike and John both made a regretful gesture: "OK."

Qinger was relieved. Sometimes she was really not used to the unrestrained style of her western classmates.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Susan frowning at her, "Hey, your"

Qing'er was full of annoyance, didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but just asked a dejected sentence: "What's the matter?"

"Hey!" Susan hit her with her elbow. "Of course it's bed..."

Mike and John at the side immediately raised their ears to listen.

Qing'erqiang endured her inner turbulence, and she knew exactly what was going on here. If she showed any shyness or tweaking, her Western classmates would only think that she was very strange.

So she can only calmly answer: "In short...I am very satisfied."

"Wow!" Susan commented in the tone of the person who came, "I think so, he looks so cute... Hey, men, stop eavesdropping!"

She glared at the two boys next to her.

Mike said with a straight face: "That's because Yvette hasn't tried me..."

"Please!" Qinger couldn't help but interrupt their conversation. "My...boyfriend is still waiting for me. Since the task has been completed, then I will go first and contact by email."

"Fine!" A few people could only nod, and Susan gave her a kiss, "Enjoy your sweet love, Yvette, you really need this, especially sex!"

Qinger's mouth twitched, waved at her, and strode out of the laboratory.

It's terrible!

However, when she came to the corridor, she found that the real death was the one standing in front of her... "boyfriend"!

"Sister Qing'er, are you busy?" A Yao didn't seem to realize her anger at all, and said with a smile, "It's almost time, let's go back, it's time to make dinner."

"Why did you say that just now?" Qinger glared at him, "How can this kind of joke be made wildly?"

"Sister Qing'er, I'm helping you." He blinked and explained calmly, "I know that there must be a lot of people asking you. You have to deal with so many suitors. A boy is also your suitor? If you have a nominal boyfriend, you can save a lot of trouble."

It makes sense to say... In this cultural atmosphere of one night and one love, don’t say Qinger is brilliant enough, even if it is just an ordinary girl, there is no shortage of pursuers who go forward and succeed, not to mention her, she really feels a little troubled at ordinary times. She heard Mike and John just now, and she realized what kind of reputation she has...but even if she needs a nominal boyfriend, it shouldn't be this kid!

"Maybe I'm interested in developing with which of them! How can you do it without my consent?" she asked angrily.

"If Sister Qing'er is really interested in anyone, he will not be single so far." He smiled slightly.

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