Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1746: Those who are really late

Qing'er only felt a sigh of breath in his chest and couldn't swallow it if he couldn't spit it out.

This kid is right. If she is in love, she may have had more than a dozen boyfriends. She just doesn’t want to waste time in love. For her, she’s engaged in too many mysteries. It is worth exploring.

But when the kid made this decision for her, she was still very depressed and wanted to beat him up.

"Sister Qing'er, am I doing something wrong?" His eyebrows twisted slightly, and he once again showed a slightly upset smile. "If you don't want me to do this, you will announce you broke up with me in a few days. it is good……"

As he said, his tone was slightly lower.

Qing'er bit her lip fiercely-she really couldn't bear the look of this kid, she had no strength at all.

"Okay, okay, since this is already the case, then forget it, I'm just angry that you will make a decision for me without my consent... I will be really angry next time when I make my own claims!" expression.

A Yao nodded quickly.

Upon seeing this, the last anger in Qinger's heart also disappeared. She even wanted to touch his head to give him a smooth hair, but remembering that this kid didn't like others touching his head, she had to hold back and slow down The tone said: "But will this affect your peach luck?"

His eyes flashed: "Sister Qing'er don't have to worry, if I meet a girl I like, I will definitely explain it to her initiatively."

"That's good." Qing'er nodded. "Wait until then, I can help explain... Let's go, let's go back and cook."

He immediately smiled, unconsciously reached out, and seemed to intend to hold her hand, but touched Qinger's watchful eyes. He had to put his hand back casually, and shyly said, "Sister Qinger, I will do tonight Boiled fish for you."

"Okay, I want Coke chicken wings!" Thinking of the delicious food, Qinger couldn't help but start drooling.

The teenager looked at her with anticipation and couldn't help hooking the corner of his lips.

In recent years, his biggest worry is that Sister Qing'er has fallen in love with others and has a relationship with other men... In the past few years, his age was too young. Even if he wanted to stop it, he had no chance and could only be passive. Waiting, fortunately, Sister Qinger's energy was all dedicated to her profession.

She said that he did not awaken, but the person who really awakened late was actually her...

Although this meant that it would be more difficult for him to achieve his goal, A Yao was still glad about this. At least she has never had someone else's position in her heart, he is confident to leave his brand deeply in her heart.


After dinner in the evening, Qinger sat on the carpet and watched a movie, but thought about what happened during the day.

A Yao's dependence is too strong, it is still inappropriate to live with her...

She thought about it and called Aunt Jingtong. Her relationship with Aunt Jingtong has always been good, so she said straightforwardly: "...A Yao said that Uncle Jiang intends to temper his temper, so he has very little budget... But with such a little money, A Yao is here No decent house can be rented. Don’t you feel distressed?"

"Ha ha ha." Jing Tong smiled a little bit heartless, "I don't feel bad, this kid is very patient. Are you feeling bad?"

Qinger's mouth twitched, is this a mother?

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