Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1788: Someone fainted

... She, a person who has never looked down since childhood, even started to consider whether to take the initiative once, Jiang Yaojing, you can.

"Qing'er..." Xu Ziyue was very concerned about her emotional changes today, and she asked again, "What's the matter? You seem to be upset."

"It's okay..." Her voice was dumb. "You watch the game well."

"You won't be because of Arthur..."

"No!" she denounced wickedly, "you talk so much!"

"Okay..." Xu Ziyue made a gesture of surrender, but she still looked at her secretly. She paid special attention to Qing'er's eyes and seemed to wonder if she was crying.

It wasn't until Qinger turned her head to stare at her that she threw out her tongue and turned her eyes to the basketball court.

At this moment, the girl in the front row did not know whether the illness was caused by excessive excitement, and suddenly covered her chest with a painful expression, and the whole person could not help sliding down under the chair.

The attention of everyone else was on the basketball court. Only Qing'er was eating potato chips with his head down.

She was shocked, dropped the potato chips and leaned over her body to grab the girl's arm: "Hey, how are you doing?"

The girl's lips glowed with abnormal purple, and she did not respond to her cry.

Qinger sank in his heart and shouted: "Hey, someone here has fainted!"

Xu Ziyue also found something wrong, quickly followed the girl in the front row, and shouted: "Someone has a heart attack! You are about to leave!"

Her voice was louder than that of Qing'er. The audience nearby heard her voice and finally turned her attention to it. At the same time, the news spread like a tide to the periphery. The crowds on both sides stood up to the fainted girl Making room for it, Qing'er learned some first-aid techniques and told Xu Ziyue to call the first-aid phone while giving the girl first aid.

The commotion in the audience area finally attracted the attention of the basketball players on the court. They stopped to look in that direction, and then to the referee, as if waiting for the referee's decision.

However, before the referee blew his whistle, the players from the Faculty of Law saw their core member Arthur suddenly dropped the basketball in his hand, and also dropped a three-pointer that he was about to get, rushing without hesitation To the audience area.


On the other side, Qing'er is still struggling to give the patient first aid. This movement is quite laborious. Her forehead has oozed out cold sweat. The audience around her are also anxiously waiting, expecting the patient to open their eyes.

At this time, the audience around the patient was suddenly pushed away by rudeness. They were about to swear, but they found it was Arthur, the shooting guard of the Faculty of Law, who could not speak out their dissatisfaction.

"Why..." After Yao pushed away from the crowd, he finally saw who the patient was. He was still anxious just now and suddenly lost his voice. He squeezed his lips and looked at the top of the woman's head. For a moment.

Probably hearing the movement, Qing'er couldn't help but raise his head, which just happened to be in front of the teenager's dark and unpredictable eyes.

Her heart beat suddenly, the whole person was stunned there, and the movement in her hand stopped unconsciously, as if she was bewitched, she could only stare at him so dumbly.

At this moment, the girl lying on the chair suddenly coughed, woke up with a moan, leaned back suddenly, and finally withdrew her gaze, lifting her up in a hurry.

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