Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1789: Are you addicted to play, right?

Others also recovered, and smiled: "Wake up!"

Xu Ziyue also breathed a sigh of relief: "There are too many people here, the air is not circulating, you help take her outside, the ambulance should be coming soon."

Qing'er's eyes fell on A Yao's body subconsciously. When he saw that he was still standing there with a cold face, she suddenly blessed her soul and commanded: "You come."

A Yao's eyebrows moved slightly and gave her a deep look. The girl who just woke up from her coma finally figured out the situation, and she covered her mouth in surprise.

Glancing at A Yao's cold face, Xu Ziyue smiled and rounded the field: "It's still good. Let Arthur hug her, and I worry that she fainted again halfway."

Everyone laughed, and the girls smiled generously: "Yes, Arthur, go to the game, don't worry. I'm waiting for good news for your victory."

However, A Yao's eyes did not fall on her. He squeezed his lips tightly and turned to walk down the stairs without saying a word, skipping the railing neatly and returning to the playing field, just as inexplicably as he had come.

Everyone was confused. The girl who fainted before waved and said, "Arthur is such a person. I'm much better now. I can go by myself. Let's continue to watch the game."

As she said a sincere thanks to Qinger again, Qinger smiled and waved her hand.

The girl left the stadium in the company of her friend, and the dangerous situation was resolved. The interrupted game quickly restarted, and everyone re-seat and focused on the game.

But Qing'er couldn't help remembering how the teenager looked at her just now. How did she feel that the kid was not surprised when she saw her just now, as if she knew she was here long ago. Not only that, he seemed relieved?

And... if he was worried about the girl, how could he run away without asking?

The more she thought, the more she felt that something was wrong, and she couldn't help but poked Xu Ziyue with her elbow: "You don't usually watch basketball games. Where did you get the tickets for this game today?"

"What?" Xu Ziyue seemed a little flustered. She blinked. "That, I have a wide network. Isn't it easy to get two tickets..."

"Arthur gave you?" Qinger narrowed his eyes.

Xu Ziyue's guilty smile: "How is it possible, I have nothing to do with him privately..."

"The ticket was given by him, he knows where we are sitting." Qinger sneered, "just now we have a commotion here, you shouted very loudly again, he recognized your voice, thinking that the person who fainted was I. So I suddenly rushed up."

"Wow, Miss Ji, you are a little narcissistic!" Xu Ziyue said calmly.

"You don't give me this one." Qinger smiled dangerously. "I've felt something wrong for a long are paying special attention to my emotions today, especially when referring to Arthur... are you going to plan? Go back and report the news to him? Haha, I didn't expect him to turn you back."

Xu Ziyue couldn't hide it, so he had no choice but to admit: "Okay, okay, the ticket was indeed given by him, and he asked me to bring you in... Even the words were taught by him, seriously, he I’m really attentive to you, and you’re not bored with him...what are you awkward about..."

"This stupid boy..." Pleasure, "I am addicted to playing with me, right?"

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