Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1790: With Yourong

Therefore, it is not accidental that a girl gave him water before the game. This stinky boy was deliberate, wondering if she would be jealous.

He was clearly worried just now, and he was there to pretend to be cold when he rushed up...

Qing'er didn't know whether to be happy or angry. Well, the kid said that he wanted to succumb to her, but in fact he had not given up, but the means of making it so naive and ridiculous made her feel that she couldn't sleep well... if she didn't fight back, she wouldn't be surnamed Ji!

Xu Ziyue coughed: "Qing'er, are you angry? I'm still on your side..."

Qinger glared at her fiercely: "What benefit did he give you? You actually betrayed me!"

"No, no! If I take advantage of it, I can't sleep any more handsome guy in my next life!" Xu Ziyue swears quickly, "I completely and completely look at his heart for you before I want to help him. The main thing is, You obviously like him. Last time at the orientation party, you were drinking and dancing, not because he said a few more words to me, you are jealous... if I’m not sure about it, neither am I May cooperate with him."

Qinger was speechless, and after a while, he was squeezed out in shame: "Who likes him! Must I be jealous when I drink and dance?"

Xu Ziyue laughed and put her on the shoulder: "Seriously, we have known each other for several years. I am the first to see your emotions affected by men. Isn't it embarrassing to have any emotions? … Arthur is really good, since you are interested in each other, I beg you to hurry together!"

Qing'er only feels that her ears are slightly hot, and she calmly scolds: "Focus on the game!"

Xu Ziyue tweeted, and finally stopped talking.

The game has already reached the second half, and the Faculty of Law led by more than two dozen points. The audience from the Faculty of Law screamed repeatedly, and nicknames like "King Arthur" came out.

He leaned his hands on his cheeks, watching the figure of the teenager running and jumping on the field, and couldn't help laughing.

Although this kid is struggling step by step, but after all, she is only a teenager. At least today, she sees the childish and childlike peculiarity of the young people from him... she believes this is not a disguise.

This perception suddenly made Qinger's mood a lot better, not to mention, this dead boy still cares about her...

Qinger thought slightly proudly.

Half an hour later, the game was finally over. In the second half, the computer department began to exert force and once caught up with the score. Fortunately, the law department played steadily and steadily, and then successfully opened the score, and finally won the victory without suspense.

The students from the law department raised the banner and the scene became a sea of ​​joy. During the award ceremony, Qinger was surprised to find that A Yao turned out to be the captain of their team, which shows that his popularity is really good, at least the players are very convinced of him.

Looking at the young man who still looked indifferent when he lifted the trophy, Qinger thought that the dead boy was pretending.

But it seems that the girls eat this set very much, and their screams almost burst their ears.

She couldn't help but lifted her lips, and she felt a little bit of pride in her heart.

She deserves to be taught...

Xu Ziyue touched her: "Hey, do you want to go down and find him?"

"No," Qinger snorted and said as he got up, "Let's go."

That being said, her eyes unconsciously aimed at the playing field.

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