Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1793: Young and healthy

After hearing this, Qing'er rolled his eyes angrily: "This is bad news, you have fallen in love with 800 times. Okay! Besides, your net worth will be tenfold, and you will be waiting for the girls. Let your winks drown!"

He still grieves: "Actually, every time I fall in love, I feel uncomfortable, but as a man, I can't easily expose my wounds. Little girl, you don't understand."

Qing'er almost didn't choke on him: "Who said I didn't understand?"

She had enough experience of this kind of suffering, the taste of heaven and **** for a while. Probably the so-called love is the case?

Ling Yunzheng was very keenly aware of: "Are you... you called me specifically because of emotional problems?"

Qinger bulged his cheek gang, but said nothing.

"It seems to be..." Ling Yunzheng sighed regretfully, "Our Miss Ji even has a favorite boy? Which stinky kid is even ahead of me..."

Qing'er glared at him: "You are coming!"

"It's true. After I fell in love this time, I thought about it carefully and found that the best girl was by my side. I didn't find it, so if you call you, I immediately drop everything to see you... "

His tone was half-truth, but in Qinger's opinion, the man was guilty of the old problem.

She narrowed her eyes and raised a knife and fork: "Would you like to say one more try?"

Ling Yunzheng put away the joke, and said in a straight voice: "What can I help you with?"

"You don't need to do anything deliberately, as long as you play with me for two days." Qinger thought for a while, "It's better to be more intimate, look forward, and pretend to be chasing me."

She believed that the news that she was with other men would soon reach Aya's ears.

"I get it." Ling Yunzheng nodded. "You want to use me to stimulate the man."

Qing'er didn't deny: "Just say yes! I've been your assist before!"

Ling Yunzheng looked at her with her eyebrows twisted, her tone was very complicated: "I really don't want to help you..."

Qinger sneered and raised his fork.

"Ok." He raised his hand and surrendered. "I always have to pay back when I come out. I have your time for these two days."

"It's almost the same." Qinger smiled with satisfaction.

"So... who the **** is that?" The man tapped the table with his right hand, his tone was low, "Your classmate?"

"No." Qinger said calmly, "You know the Jiang family..."

Ling Yunzheng's eyes were slightly dark, and after a few seconds he nodded slowly: "Of course I know. The Jiang Family's side branch has never heard of any outstanding children, can't they be our little princes? But he is too young A little..."

Although he and his parents have lived in country M for many years, he still has frequent business dealings with the country, so he is no stranger to the domestic political situation, and he knows the situation of the Jiang family very well.

So he saw the **** the opposite side nodded: "Yes, it's him."

Ling Yunzheng couldn't help raising her hand and caressing the temple: "I didn't expect sister Qing'er to like younger boys..."

"Young people have good physical strength." Qinger spread his hands with a bare face.

Ling Yunzheng, who was already 27 years old this year, was choked. He looked at her in a complicated look for a while before speaking: "It's the little prince of the Jiang family, so much younger than me. It seems that I really have no chance. ... ok, for the happiness of my younger sister, I'm able to help with this busy, you put down the knife and fork."

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