Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1794: Why is there another?

I have to say that Ling Yunzheng is a very attractive man. He is handsome, mature, funny and humorous, and attentive, but Qinger always feels that his background is cool, maybe this is his romance. The root cause is that with such a man, girls may hardly feel safe.

But being a friend or being an older brother is another matter. At least Qing'er is very willing to chat with him. With him, she can be completely relaxed. Even if she talks about her recent research, Ling Yunzheng can keep up with her rhythm, which makes her feel very happy.

They ate for two hours for a dinner.

After leaving the restaurant, Ling Yunzheng took off her coat and put on her: "It's too late. Do you want to live directly in New York? I booked two rooms."

"No, you should send me back." Qinger thought and said.

He raised his eyebrows: "Oh, I am afraid that the little prince of the Jiang family doesn't know you are staying with me, right?"

"Otherwise?" Qinger said straightforwardly, "I think you'd better just stay there, anyway, I still have an empty room there."

"Huh..." Ling Yunzheng tapped on her head. "Are you stupid? How can you invite men to stay overnight?"

Qinger gasped.

That's right, how can you let men stay overnight? At first she didn't realize that Ayao's dead boy was also a man, so he could find a chance.

She rubbed her head and grunted: "Don't talk nonsense, will it work?"

"You trust me so much that embarrasses me." He frowned slightly. "What do I think my male dignity is challenged?"

Qing'er kicked him: "Hey, you are enough!"

He sighed deeply: "Okay, okay, just do what you say."

They drove back to Qing'er's apartment, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

After entering the door, Ling Yunzheng looked around and was a little surprised: "Much cleaner than I thought."

It was only three days before Ah Yao returned her key, so it was normal to clean the house three days ago.

Qinger said in a big voice: "That is, I clean it every week."

Ling Yunzheng gave her a deep look.

Qing'er calmly said, "I'll get you toiletries. You have to rest early. Well, your room is there."

After sending Ling Yunzheng into the bathroom, he held his phone in his hand and wondered if he wanted to find a way to let A Yao know that there was a man here. After all, she and Ling Yunzheng immediately set off for New York at night. , Maybe the kid hasn't got the news yet...

Thinking about it, Xu Ziyue was the only suitable candidate, but the woman’s acting was not very good, and Qinger didn’t trust her.

She was lost in thought, so it took a while to realize that the doorbell was ringing, and it had been ringing for a long time, but she was not listening just now.

Who will it be so late?

However, she didn't wait for her to come up with an answer. She suddenly heard a click and the door was unscrewed directly.

Qing'er was taken aback, and he saw someone coming in and pushing in.

A delicate and beautiful but extremely cold face came into her eyes.

Qinger opened his mouth wide, and the first reaction turned out to be: "... Didn't you return the key? How could there be another?"

A Yao squeezed her lips, and it took a while before she said dumbly: "I gave you back that day, it was the key to my apartment, I made a mistake."

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