Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 180: The biggest flaw

"I have it here. Don't forget that I left Xing Yi just a few days." During the talk, Shang Tianyi seemed to have turned on the computer. "What do you want this for? Do you think of a way to expose her?"

"Mu Yanhuai's plan was very meticulous, but he didn't know that the biggest flaw in this plan was Mu Xiaoya." Ye Shengge said calmly, "I took her for three years, I know how troublesome she is, but Mu Yan Huai did not know. Because of Mu Xiaoya's troubles, it was often settled by me before he was delivered to him."

"That's right." Shang Tianyi's spirits revived. "As long as Mu Xiaoya reveals his own flaws, let's take advantage of the victory and pursue! But, do you really not plan to disclose that you are Muxia?"

Wen Yan, Ye Shengge caressed her right face subconsciously, the touch under her palm was smooth, but she knew how unsightly that birthmark was.

"Let's talk again." Ye Shengge smiled and hung up the phone.

Perhaps it is best to let Muxia live forever in legend.

At this time, Weibo issued a ding notification. She clicked in and saw it turned out to be a private letter from T.S.

"Ms. Mu Xia, our company is shooting an advertisement and is willing to buy your work as background music at a price of 1 million. Do you have any ready-made tunes? Even demos are fine."

Ye Shengge froze, she rubbed her eyes and determined that the owner of the private letter was the corporate official blog with Huang V added.

Now the whole network is spreading that Mu Xiaoya is the real Muxia. The whole network thinks that the account holding Muxia is a hacking dog. As a result... T.S's private letter was even sent directly to her?

Ye Shengge has a fanatic excitement. Big boss has unique insights, but I did not expect Ji Shiting's subordinates to be so insightful, and it is worthy of being a T.S employee!

In the past few years, her energy has been on Xingyi, and she may not have mature tunes here, but she still has a lot of semi-finished products or inspired demos, all of which are stored in her hard drive.

T.S wants to use it, she can even contribute all of them, and they are all free! She originally intended to reply this way, but the message was edited in half and deleted again.

...Maybe she can let Ji Shiting know that she is Muxia? The account number is a real-name system. If she sends the account number and transfers money, the T.S person must know that she is Muxia. In that case, Ji Shiting will also know!

Thinking of this, Ye Shengge was excited and immediately replied: No problem, I am very willing to cooperate with T.S.

The other party sent a cooperation email, and Ye Shengge immediately sent all of his semi-finished products, let them choose at will, and attached their own account.

In less than half an hour, Ye Shengge found out that his account was a million more.

She was stunned by the efficiency of T.S. At the same time, she couldn't help but think, would such a business be reported to Ji Shiting? Maybe two days later, he knew that his wife was hidden, but it was his idol Muxia!

Thinking of this, Ye Shengge couldn't help laughing.

It is a pity that Ji Shiting is on a business trip. She might miss his shocked expression, but Jinyi Yexing also feels good.

At this moment, Lin Ranhuang said: "Sister Sheng, the latest repost of Muxia's account has just been deleted, and Mu Xiaoya immediately condemned the hacking dog over there. Her face is so big!"

"Unsurprisingly." Ye Shengge smiled disapprovingly.

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