Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 181: Look in love

"I think that the person who deleted the forwarding may be Mu Xia himself!" Lin Ran sighed, "Poor Mu Xia, who was pretended to be an identity and stolen, and now it is difficult to retrieve the account, but is regarded as a stolen number. Yes, it’s so popular!"

"Yeah, it's really annoying." Ye Shengge said perfunctoryly. She was still immersed in the illusion that Ji Shiting already knew the truth, and even felt that the man would call over the next second and question why she was hiding he.

She held her mobile phone and made her happy.

Lin Ran blinked and suddenly asked, "Sister Sheng, will you not fall in love?"

"What?" Ye Shengge was startled. "What love, don't talk nonsense!"

"Look at you, smile so sweetly, and look like you are in a relationship." Lin Ran's eyes rolled and suddenly asked tangledly, "Don't you like your gold master? But... don't you say Does he have a family? People with a family, I think, you better not worry about him, otherwise you will be very painful..."

Lin Ran stood firmly on Ye Shengge's side, so she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the behavior of the gold master next to Ye Shengge, but if Ye Shengge was tempted, Lin Ran was afraid of her injury.

However, what makes Ye Shengge uneasy is the phrases "sweetness of laughter", "look of being in love", and "love the golden master".

"No, of course I won't." She calmly retorted, "I just saw a few fun Weibo posts."

Lin Ran's stunned "Oh" sound.

But Ye Shengge's thoughts could not calm down for a long time.

Falling in love...Think carefully, her attitude is really a bit like it.

She was so scared that she quickly lost her phone: "Come back and rest, I'm going to take a shower."


Ye Shengge lay in bed after taking a shower, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and circling the words that Lin Ran had just said in his mind.

It stands to reason that she should take the initiative to call Ji Shiting, but... Ye Shengge suddenly flinched at this moment.

Facing this man, her heart seemed to be more and more out of control, her emotions began to fluctuate because of his emotions, and her mood was affected by his every move. Just because he also likes Mu Xia can make her so excited.

This is really not a good sign.

Ye Shengge rubbed his face tangled, watching the time was not early, and finally got his heart crossed and dialed the phone.

Ten or more seconds later, the phone was finally connected. After a noisy voice, the man's soft and quiet voice remembered: "Song song?"

"It's me." Ye Shengge didn't know why, suddenly a little nervous, "I... I'm calling you."

Ji Shiting paused for a moment, then suddenly smiled unclearly: "It seems that you are doing this as a task, eh?"

"No, it's not." Ye Shengge buried his head in the pillow, annoyed by his own words.

"Really? Then talk about why call me?"

His deep, dumb voice accompanied the sound of page turning with the radio waves.

"Because..." Ye Shengge was choked.

Obviously he asked her to take the initiative to call him!

But this is by no means the answer Ji Shiting wanted.

On the other side, Ji Shiting quietly listened to the woman's irregular breathing, and hummed with dissatisfaction and accusation, and silently raised the corner of her lips.

He relaxed and leaned back in his chair, reminding him lightly: "I'm listening."

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