Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1801: Are the two uncles satisfied?

"Sister Qing'er, this is something I specially gave you..."

"I'm full of anger!" Qing'er rolled his eyes.

Ling Yunzheng took the opportunity to push the freshly made portion to Qing'er: "You eat this one. I see there are sandwiches in the refrigerator. I'm already hot. I will eat sandwiches in a while."

Qinger thought for a while and thought that this was an acceptable plan, so he dragged the plate to himself in front of him.

Ling Yunzheng raised her lips.

A Yao held the fork in his hand, and his face was somber.

Qinger glanced at his face and sighed, "Otherwise we will change, I eat what you made?"

"Qing'er, I made it for you..." Ling Yunzheng said in a deep voice.

"I beg you, it's just a breakfast!" Qinger pushed the plate back in front of Ling Yunzheng, rolled his eyes, "Can I have a sandwich? Are the two uncles satisfied?"

The two men's eyes met again, and no one would give in to the sparks.

"I'm going to get a sandwich. You have to eat breakfast in peace and don't allow hands!" She dropped this sentence fiercely and got up to go to the kitchen.

Both Ling Yunzheng and A Yao's face were somewhat distorted.

The heroine leaves temporarily, and the atmosphere between the two will only be more intense.

"Qing'er is a very sensible person." Ling Yunzheng took the lead in saying, "She grew up in an excellent manner, grew up in the favor of everyone, and has an independent opinion. It is impossible for such a girl to put too much energy and thought into it. It’s about love. She has too many dreams to complete, so for her, love is just a matter of regulation.

"No need to talk nonsense." A Yao said coldly, "I know her more than you."

"Then you should know that what you want is probably difficult to achieve." Ling Yunzheng laughed, her voice hoarse. "How indifferent she is to love can be seen from my relationship with him... If I had just listened to her, I didn’t even know that she had treated me..."

With that, the man tightened his lips, perhaps realizing that he had missed something, so his mood was very low at this time. He knew that after the teenager in front of him had occupied the atrium of Qinger, he probably had no chance Too.

"This is what makes me different from you." A Yao raised her lips and just smiled extremely coldly, "I will do everything possible to make her fall in love with me, and you give up without trying, so you Doomed not to get her."

Ling Yunzheng's eyebrows moved slightly, and he smiled slowly for a while: "It's not too late now, I'm not without a chance. After all...I'm the only man she likes so many years."

He specifically emphasized the word "man".

A Yao's jaw was extremely tight. After all, Sister Qing'er never admitted that she liked him, even though he believed it.

"The only thing? I'm afraid not." He sneered.

"Let her make a choice." Ling Yunzheng smiled calmly.

At this time, Qing'er has taken out the hot sandwich from the microwave.

To be honest, she actually didn't want to go back to the restaurant but faced the two men... Even though she was dull, she knew what the shock that Ling Yunzheng showed just now was what it meant. I'm afraid it really made A Yao right. If he hadn't thought of her, why would Yunzhen's brother be so surprised, or even regret it?

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