Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1802: Why not be a little bit fun

Now I want to come, those ambiguous words that Yunzheng brother jokingly said in these two days may not be all false.

Qing'er only felt a headache. She was really not good at dealing with this kind of problem. At this moment, she wished to hide back to the laboratory.

But escape is not a way...

Qing'er scratched his hair depressively, left the kitchen with a sandwich, and came to the dining room.

Fortunately, the two men didn't make any **** drama. They each ate breakfast quietly, letting Qinger breathe a little.

Qing'er walked over to sit down, but when the two looked up at her, she ignored everyone and ate up the sandwich intently.

This morning of flying chickens and dogs finally calmed down after several people finished their breakfast.

After finishing drinking milk, Qinger wiped the corners of her lips with a tissue and saw that the eyes of both men fell on her.

She felt a sudden congestion.

Forget it, the problem has to be solved one by one...

"That, A Yao..." Her eyes fell on A Yao.

The young man's eyebrows moved slightly, and the corners of his lips were lifted: "What did Sister Qing'er say?"

Oh...has this kid finally lost his temper? Qing'er felt thankful. She said in a light tone: "Brother Yunzheng is a guest I invited. I can't leave him alone anyway... and I promised to accompany him today... that, if you are Don’t want to act with us, why not go back first, I will contact you tomorrow..."

The smile on Ah Yao's lips and corners disappeared. He squeezed his lips tightly, and he said hoarsely for a while: "Sister Qing'er, are you driving me away?"

"I'm not driving you away, of course, if you are willing to stay." Qinger sighed, "I'm not afraid of you fighting..."

Qing'er had regretted it for a long time. It was her brain that made her think of such a bad idea. Now that one problem has not been solved, another one comes up... she doesn't know how to face Ling Yunzheng later.

A Yao looked at her quietly for a while, her throat slipped, and suddenly chuckled, "Okay, then I will stay."

Qinger suddenly dumbfounded.

A Yao's eyes were slightly dark: "It seems that Sister Qing'er is just courting me..."

"No, I thought... uh, anyway, if you want to stay, leave it." Qinger scratched her hair annoyedly, "I think about what we can do... or go to a movie?"

But it’s too weird for three people to watch a movie?

"Qing'er obviously wanted to get along with me alone, we still have a lot to say." Ling Yunzheng laughed, "Why don't the little princes get a little more interesting?"

A Yao clenched her fists.

Qing'er was afraid that they would make trouble again, and quickly appeased: "So, A Yao, you go back first, I will send him away with Brother Yun Zheng a few words, he is busy!"

Qinger said decisively.

Ling Yunzheng's eyes flashed, and he didn't speak. A Yao glanced at her, perhaps not wanting her too much embarrassment, and finally accepted the arrangement.

"Good." He nodded slightly, his eyes dark, "Sister Qing'er, I'll wait for you to come to me."

"No problem, no problem." Qinger sighed quietly, and naturally agreed.

A Yao glanced at Ling Yunzheng unclearly, and simply got up and turned to leave.

Qing'er watched him leave, and when the teenager's figure disappeared at the door, she suddenly sighed faintly.

Ling Yunzheng laughed, and he knowingly asked, "What's wrong?"

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