Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1823: Squeeze me heartily, don't be unwilling

The young man's eyes with a smile fell on her for the first time, and then he walked towards her, grabbing her as usual and sniffing a kiss: "Dinner is ready, I just finished cooking. Smell, so I went to take a bath... Come on, let's clean up after dinner."

However, after finishing talking, Ah Yao discovered that the woman in her arms did not respond at all.

His eyes narrowed: "What's wrong?"

After all, Qing'er still suppressed his anger, and said casually, "Nothing, I had a little trouble in the laboratory today. I was thinking about it just now... Let's eat first."

In any case, even if she wants to have an attack, she has to ask clearly.

A Yao's expression eased: "All you do today is what you love to eat."

Not long after the two sat down, A Yao suddenly said: "Yes, there is something... My mother called me today and told me that she already knew our relationship, and I don't know how she knew it. Originally She will call you again, but I tried to stop it. I guess she will let you crush me as much as possible, don’t be unwilling."

Speaking of the last sentence, his voice smiled a little more.

Qing'er couldn't suppress her anger anymore. She slammed her chopsticks on the table and said coldly: "You don't know how Aunt Jingtong knew?"

A Yao Tongren zoomed in, almost surprised by her sudden anger.

"Qing'er, what's wrong?" He opened his lips before speaking. "I know you don't want our relationship to be exposed so early, but even if my mother knows, it's nothing, she..."

"You just settled on this, didn't you?" Qinger sneered. "A Yao, at your young age, where did you get so much attention?"

A Yao's face finally changed. His jaw was extremely tight. After a while, he spoke lowly: "Do you think I revealed it to my mother?"

"Isn't it?" Qinger was almost smirked. "Of course, I know you must not be so stupid, but if you want to, accidentally leave some flaws that are enough to be discovered..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard a "bang" sound and cut off her voice. She looked closely and found that A Yao had broken the chopsticks in his hand. He seemed to be extremely angry. The right hand was trembling slightly, and the bursting green muscles were frightening.

Qinger's heart throbbed, and she couldn't help raising her head. The boy's face was almost pale, but his black eyes were full of coldness and ridicule.

"In your heart..." he said word by word, "Is this person like me?"

"Isn't it?" Seemed to be stung by the coldness in his eyes, the moment of regret that disappeared in Qinger's heart disappeared instantly, "In order to force me to promise you, you have done what you forgot. Yet?"

The muscles on Ah Yao's cheeks twitched fiercely, and his breath was short, and he seemed so angry that he couldn't speak at all, but at a certain moment, he appeared extremely fragile. Covered by a cold sarcasm.

"Forcing..." A Yao seemed to squeeze these two words out of the teeth, and his voice was even more hoarse. "So speaking, after all, it's because you like me so much. So, you don't even Willing to let you and my loved ones know our relationship... What are you afraid of? Are you really afraid that I will regret it, or... Are you afraid that it will be harder to get rid of me?"

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