Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1824: Is it embarrassing to be with me

"Shut up!" Qing'er only felt a rush of gas rushing up from the depth of her chest, straight into the sky, her eyes were hot and sour, and she hated this weak emotion. Under anger, she stood up. Kicked off the chair, "What is'I'm afraid I'm more difficult to get rid of you'?" If I am really bored of you, do you think you can bind me for life?"

A Yao seemed to be finally pushed into desperation, and his eyes were red. He laughed at himself with a sneer: "Sister Qing'er, being with me, is it embarrassing to you?"

Perhaps the pain in his voice was too obvious, or perhaps the long-lost "Sister Qinger", Qinger suddenly felt sore, and she was afraid that she would cry in the next second.

No, this rhythm is not right...the point of their dispute has been completely misplaced, and it will not make any sense to continue to quarrel like this...

"I don't want to quarrel with you now." She suddenly kicked off the chair and said hoarsely, "I went to Xu Ziyue for one night. You calm down at home. We will contact you again when you calm down."

"This is the way to deal with it?" In the boy's cold smile, the meaning of ridicule and sarcasm is stronger, "default? Or escape?"

"It's mature!" Qing'er can't bear it. "Could I quarrel with you here and again to make a difference?"

After saying this, she turned away and ran out of the house without looking back.

There seemed to be a loud noise behind her, but Qing'er couldn't take it anymore. She only felt that her ears were hot and her temples jumped suddenly. The anger and sadness in her heart kept fermenting, leaving her brain buzzing, not at all. Way to think rationally.

At this time the sky was completely dark. She came to the garage and planned to drive to Xu Ziyue. However, when she got on the bus, she found that she had forgotten to bring the car key.

The emotion stretched to the top suddenly collapsed at this moment, Qinger's eyes were hot, and the tears still fell. She couldn't help but kicked the car, thinking that it was her own apartment. Why did you have to fight after the quarrel? She was the one who left?

But it is absolutely impossible to let her go back now. She doesn't know whether she is pure anger, or she still has a certain amount of evasion that can't face the consciousness of Ah Yao's accusation... She kicked the car again and was annoyed. .

I remembered that Xu Ziyue's neighborhood was not far from here, and it was nothing more than half an hour's walk. Qinger gritted his teeth and simply got out of the car and rushed into the night.

It was autumn, when the sun went down, the temperature dropped suddenly, and she was still wearing clothes during the day, so when the night wind surged, she couldn't help crying. This coldness made the grievances in her heart even heavier, and the tears she just stopped had a tendency to collapse.

She knew that as long as you fall in love, there will be such a bridge of dog blood, couples quarrel or something...

Qinger gritted his teeth bitterly, thinking that even if both of them had mistakes, it was also that Ah Yao had the mistake first. If he didn’t take the initiative to apologize to her...

At this moment, the phone in the pocket of the jacket suddenly vibrated.

Qing'er thought that it was Ayao's call, and her heart beat slightly, but she took out her mobile phone and found out that it was her mother's phone.

But even the mother's phone is a great comfort at this time. Qing'er sniffed his nose, calmed his emotions and picked them up: "Mom?"

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