Even though she tried to make her tone seem casual, she still revealed some emotions, not to mention Ye Shengge is a person who is sensitive to changes in emotions, and is also a mother who watched her grow up.

So as soon as Qinger opened his mouth, Ye Shengge realized something.

"What's wrong, baby?" Her tone was a little more worried. "You cry?"

Of course, Qing'er refused to admit, coquettishly denying: "Why...mother, what are you doing with me?"

"I called to ask you something about A Yao." Ye Shengge smiled. "Aren't you arguing with A Yao? I heard Xiao Zheng said, you are finally together, and it's sweet... …how……"

"Wait, mom, what are you talking about?" Qinger's eyes widened sharply. "Brother Yunzheng told you?"

"Otherwise?" Ye Shengge's tone was a little bit more smiley, "Your father and I went to San Francisco a few days ago, and Xiao Zheng received us. Isn't his company going to be listed? It's estimated that many don't understand, so I think you Dad is very attentive... He talked about you and A Yao during the day, and he said that he was your matchmaker."

"So, Brother Yunzheng told you..." Qinger's breath was a little short, "Then you told Aunt Jingtong..."

"Yes." Ye Shengge seemed to perceive something, and she laughed, "Let me guess, did you warn A Yao not to tell us these adults, but we all know that, you think A Yao revealed it, just Argued with him?"

Qing'er was speechless. Although the night breeze was cool, her face was hot at this time, and the regret and shame in her heart almost drowned her.

How sad and sad to be misunderstood and mistrusted by the people who care most? It was at this time that she understood why he had such a big reaction when she accused Ah Yao at that time, and he could not even ignore the excuse.

Qing'er felt uncomfortable in her heart, and there was another kind of heavyness that made her almost breathless... She suddenly understood why she made a fuss, because she was very clear that in this relationship, her efforts and investment were far inferior A Yao, she knows what A Yao is expecting, and his expectation makes her feel the pressure, so she will try to stand on the moral high ground.

For Ye Shengge, her daughter’s speechlessness is already the most definite answer. She sighed helplessly: “I’m thinking, is it me or your dad who spoiled you, it’s too easy for you to think Everything you need, so that you don’t know how to cherish it. A Yao is a good boy, if you really like him, don’t hurt him."

"I didn't..." Qinger subconsciously excused herself, but soon she realized that her miserliness and her mistrust didn't hurt Ah Yao?

"Emotions are mutual. If it is only A Yao's unilateral effort and maintenance, he will feel tired sooner or later." Ye Shengge mentioned her, "You don't know to regret when you lose."

The word "lost" twitched Qinger's heart, and his hands could not help tightening. She couldn't help but think, what if A Yao was really hurt because of it, what should I do? Although I always feel that this kid's enthusiasm will not last long, when she really faced this result, she found out that she was so reluctant in the bottom of her heart...

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