"Mom, I know." Qinger's voice was a little annoyed. "Don't talk about it for now, I will apologize to him."

"Go ahead, don't be so impulsive in the future." Ye Shengge smiled and hung up the phone.

Qing'er took a deep breath, pushed the phone back into his arms, turned and ran back. It was about seven or eight in the evening, but there were not many people on the street. Only the bar in the distance came to cheer, wrapped in the cold night wind, and Qinger missed the arms of Aya like never before.

This street ran to the end, turn right, and then cross a road where her apartment is located. A Yao was still waiting for her at home. Thinking about it, her speed increased a bit, so that when turning, even the eyes were swept forward After two shadows, she also fell behind, and hit the other side directly!



Qing'er was hit by a reaction and fell straight to the ground. In a hurry, she could only support the ground with both hands, and her palms slipped along the floor with a scratch. The hot pain almost made her tears come out. And the other party was no better than her. At this time, he was swearing and swearing, and he got up from the ground with the help of his companion.

Qing'er discovered that the other party was two strong men who didn't know which race. She didn't care about the pain in her palm. She tried to stand up and said: "Sorry, are you okay? It's my fault, I ran too Almost there, just confiscated..."

"Fu*k!" The big man who was hit was still very unhappy, swearing non-stop until he was beaten by his companion with his elbow.

"Hey, budy! It's a **** girl!" he said frowningly.

Dahan immediately stopped scolding, and his eyes fell on her face, revealing a bit of wantonness.

Qinger's face sank: "Do you need compensation, if not, I will leave."

After she finished speaking, she turned straight.

"Compensation? Of course!" The other party completely forgot the pain in his body and flexibly stepped forward to block the path of Qing'er. He smiled, "You tell me how to compensate?"

The other big man also stepped forward and blocked the road to the right of Qing'er. The two formed a human wall, which blocked the path of Qinger's way.

The fire in her heart came up.

To tell the truth, this area is full of students. The public security has always been good. Otherwise, Qinger would not dare to walk at night. Most of these two are also students of Princeton. They did not have the courage to make worse behaviors, but they made a few jokes. Even manual footwork... As long as there is no evidence left, it may be impossible to take them for ordinary girls.

But how could Qinger endure, she said coldly: "Do you know Chinese Kung Fu? Want to try it, eh?"

"Wow, I'm so scared!" The big man on the left showed an exaggerated expression, "but I really want to see."

"Sohot, I like it." Another person added fuel to the fire.

Qinger grew so big that no one had the courage to tease her, and she almost laughed when she was angry. She knows that although she has learned some boxing before, any skill is futile in the face of the absolute power gap, but it is impossible to let her sit still, even if she was injured in the process of resistance, at least it is evidence, she Using some more relationships is enough for these two people to pay the price they deserve.

After making up his mind, Qinger slowly clenched his fists.

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