The two heroes glanced at each other, and both saw strong excitement and conquest in each other's eyes. However, they did not move their hands or move their feet, but moved forward one step forward.

Qinger had to step back and widen the gap between the two.

This action was regarded as fear by the two of them. They laughed quackally, and Qing Er's heart was extremely angry.

"Hey, the posture is pretty good." The big man on the left said gaspingly, his eyes moving more and more around her, and he continued to move forward.

Qing'er continued to retreat, but soon she found that she could not retreat because the wall was behind her.

"Ha ha ha ha!" The two laughed arrogantly.

"So this is Chinese Kung Fu?"

"Chick, don't struggle anymore. My buddy is just asking for compensation, and it won't treat you!"

Qing'er took advantage of this opportunity and shot like lightning! She didn't actually expect to actually hurt the other party, except that the two men only ignored the enemy and walked sloppyly. If it went well, she could at least find a chance to get out.

However, her fists hadn't had time to touch the other person's face, and the two big men in front of her suddenly changed their faces suddenly, and they staggered backwards as if they were out of control!



At the same time the cursing sounded, Qinger's eyes suddenly bumped into a tall, thin figure. The light was dim. She could not clearly see his face, but she could clearly see that his hands were carrying the big man's neck, and he did not know him. With such great strength, two big men who were obviously stronger than him were thrown out by him.

Then he strode forward and exposed his face clearly in Qinger's eyes.

"Ayao..." Qing'er looked at his stern face and couldn't help murmuring.

He couldn't take care of the words, grabbed her wrist, and said dumbly, "Follow me first."

Qing'er only felt that there was a surge of emotion in her chest. She wanted to say something, but she choked up again, and could only keep up with him.

However, this is not over yet. After the two big men stood firm, they naturally refused to lose, and the curse rushed up again.

A Yao's face was heavy, and she gently pushed Qinger aside: "Wait for a while."

At the end of the speech, he greeted him without hesitation. He couldn't make it too late, and could only watch him and the two big men fighting together. Qing'er's heart suddenly mentioned his throat. After all, there are two people in the other party. A Yao is likely to suffer. She all wanted to rush into the battle to help, but soon she realized that it seemed unnecessary.

During the years at the military school, he was not in vain. His moves were straightforward and straightforward, and his response was extremely fast and his body was flexible. At first, the two men could fight because of their height and size, and they fell shortly. In the downwind, the beating scolded the street while howling.

Qinger let go of her worries completely, and looked at the figure of the young man with ease, and even couldn't help raising her lips, while proud, she couldn't help but start a nympho...

At this moment, her eyes suddenly passed a white light.

...Is a knife!

His eyes widened suddenly and shouted out of control: "A Yao be careful behind him!"

I don’t know if her reminder worked or A Yao had already noticed. He turned around and kicked the other person to the ground, but unexpectedly he heard a rub in his ear. Another person also took the opportunity to take out the knife, A Yao Avoiding is inevitable, and in a hurry, you can only grab the blade!

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